"Talent without dedication is worthless."
"Talent without dedication is worthless."
"Talents do not approach us, you need to find it."
"Talent is a common art, whereas talent with skills is rare."
"A soul without talent has no room in society."
"Talent is present in all, some people suppress it while others do not."
"Talent is the art that defines one's unique self."
"Unless you reveal your talent, you will never succeed"
"Talents never perish unless you desire."
"A soul without talent has no room in society."
"Do not copy others talent, try to acquire your own."
"When talent is pursued with efforts, failure can create no barrier."
"Hidden talents when realized and revealed can surprise the world."
"You can lose all your money but the talent is what will help you recover."
"Work and value your talent before you realize and regret."
"Exploring your talents is another talent itself."
"If not your character, your talent will surely define you."
"Be confident to execute your talent, that's what makes you exclusive."
"Perform your talent and make it worthwhile."
Talent is something that is gifted to us by God, makes the best use of it to make others happy.
Talent makes you shine and express your inner abilities.
Never imitate others' talent instead discover your own talent.
Showcasing your own talent gives you happiness, whereas valuing others talent can get your soul lit.
The concealed talent is never respected.
Talent comes from within, if you do not find it then you're doing something wrong.
Hobbies can be learned in the course of life but you are born with talent.
Never be overconfident instead work hard and improve your talents.
Your inner abilities can turn your life around.
Your perspective on your talents is more important than others.
When you discover a talent, start small and see where it drives you.
Outsource your own talent in the curiosity to learn.
Talent is the seed that grows into the tree of extraordinary achievement when cultivated by passion and dedication.
Talent is the special flower that blooms with colours of skill and creativity in the garden of life.
Talent is the paintbrush that paints the canvas of potential, transforming ordinary moments into works of art.
The true talent of a person is a symphony that reverberates through their deeds and produces melodies of inspiration.
Talent is the compass that points us towards our strengths, guiding us to explore the vast landscapes of our abilities.
Talent is the treasure map that leads us to the gems of our innate gifts in the journey of self-discovery.
The clay from which we create the sculptures of our dreams and give form to our aspirations is called talent.
A person's talent is not just a gift to themselves, but also a gift to the world, a source of inspiration and wonder.
It has been said that "talent is the flame that, when kindled with hard work, ignites the fire of achievement and excellence."
Talent is the instrument that plays the notes of uniqueness and potential in the symphony of life.