"My heart is not in control because of you."
"My heart is not in control because of you."
"You were my dream, now you are my world."
"I want to take you to every beautiful part of the earth and listen to your heart."
"That stupid don't know, what I can do for him."
"You look like a dream, If this is a dream, I would never want to get up from sleep."
"His "Goodbye" followed by "Love You" ends all my complaints."
"In just one meeting, I came to know how important you are to me."
"One day you will know that I like you more than anyone in this world."
"I don't know when I got so busy that I stop giving time to my love."
"After meeting you I feel that I am the luckiest person in the world."
"You do not need to give me an explanation because I trust you."
"You believe me or not, but you have become my God."
"You love me because this is me, do not try to convert me into another person."
"I forgot that I did not know how to swim and jumped into the pool of your love."
"Trust is the only intrinsic factor in maintaining a relationship."
"Having clarity in the relationship gives the relationship a long life."
"Jealousy in love is good until love turns into a fight."
"It is my stubbornness to love you which I will always do."
"I promise that I can fulfill and I promise that I will always love you."
"If you do not trust your partner then you do not love your partner."
"It is very important to give space to each other in any relationship."
"Capturing someone is not love, rather giving freedom is love."
"I was also happy in my defeat as they won."
"Hold your love firmly, do not let anyone take it away from you."
"As long as there is hope, never give up your love."
"I always want to be with you and live every moment of my life with you."
"You are mine from the moment you decide to be with me."
"You are my lifeline, without you this line will be cut."
"Think before you come into my life because I don't like temporary things."
"I want to love you until you say it's enough."
"If you want someone, love someone, then first you have to understand them."
"It is my fate to meet you and no one can change it."
"The thing you can never change is my love."
"If there was only love, I would have given up, but you have become a habit."
"If someone is ready to tolerate my mood, then i am ready to marry him."
"When you are not near, I only want to sleep because in my dreams you are always with me."
"I did not trust anyone until I met you and now I am in love with you."
"I just want to love you and be with you, with all your imperfections."
"The way you accept me, I also want to accept you."
"Love is selfish, you want the person you love."
"When you are happy, I am happier than you. When you are sad, I am sadder than you. When you are angry, I keep quiet because I do not want to lose you."
"You are my sun, who brought light into my dark heart."
"Your love always makes me feel very special, I feel that I was born to be yours."
"You are not only my wish, you are necessary for me to live."
"You are simple but amazing and the most important thing, you are mine."
"In love, what matters more is the relationship of two souls, not the body."
"Whenever I saw your smile, my heart starts pounding."
"After meeting you, it seems that I was only waiting for you."
"You need courage to fall in love, do not think about it if you do not have the courage."
"You cannot lie to me because I can see the truth in your eyes."
"When you have found that the happiness of others means more to you then you are in love."
"It is a little hard to breathe without looking at you."
"Our long distance relationship is just a small test for our love and we will top this exam."
"There is no such thing as love at first sight, you may like someone but love doesn't depend on looks."
"You are as important as like breathing, to me."
"If my existence has been erased from the world, then understand that it will be my fault, it is because I have tried to erase your existence from my life."
"I have tried to expel you from my life, so my life has been expelled from the world."
"My overthinking proves how much I can love you."
"Without you it looks like there is a lack of oxygen in the air."
"The moment you start liking someone else, please inform me, there is no need for sorry also, I will disappear from your world, that you will never see my face again."
"There is a lack of time and a lot of things to do, the most important thing is to meet you."
"Touching you is not my goal, being with you is my objective."
"I have started dreaming about you a lot, if it does not come true then I will be hurt."
"It was my dream to wake up next to you, And today my dream come true."
"I may not be your first love, but I will be your last love."
If you dare to fall in love with someone, dare to fight for your love.
When I cannot see you, my heart becomes uncomfortable.
If I pluck the stars for you, then that too is very less.
I have only one choice for love and that is you.
I have everything, yet there was a shortage and after meeting you, that too was completed.
If there is some misunderstanding, we can still understand it.
You are my girlfriend, not my wife, Please marry me and be my life.
My first love was my fault but you are the correction of my mistake.
Whenever I am with you, I feel most happy.
Happy hour for me is when you are around.
Right next to you is where I want to live my entire life.
Your smile is the ray of light that makes me shine.
You are a well to me and I am always thirsty.
I can live without my soul but not without you.
I am a variable but my love for you is constant.
I can spend hours and hours without water but not without you.
Love is in the purest form when there are no conditions in it.
The moment I saw you, not only my heart but also my soul fell in love with you.
Love throughout eternity is rare. The one who finds it is the luckiest among all.
People call me mad for loving you with so much purity.
You are my dream love that has turned into a reality.
I was empty but then you filled me in.
All my chambers of the heart are just for you.
My emptiness was sucked away by your love as a siphon.
My life was a puzzle of which you were the missing piece.
You don't have to look for love in other places, just look in my heart and you will find in abundance only for you.
I am the tide for which you are the full moon.
You can live in my heart as long as it beats.
I am not a singer, but if you were a song then I would be singing you till my last breath.
I am a student and you are my teacher of love.
Love makes us blind but hate makes us fool.
Always and Forever is till when I want to be with you.
The meaning of my life was completed the time I fell in love with you.
I could be a fool to be in love with you. But this foolishness is what I craved for my whole life.
My limited time on earth can be justified by my limitless love for you.
Without you, I may forget how it feels to be loved.
Your lovely soul is what I was missing my whole life.
As air is necessary to be alive, the same way love is compulsory to feel alive.
If love was an option then loving you was my only choice.
You are the full stop to the question mark in my life.
I never wished to be loved until you started loving me.
I know not to express my love for you. But I sure know how to make you feel it.
Even if you are miles away, I feel you in my arms always.
Love is when the moon seems brighter than ever, silence speaks quieter than ever, and heart beats faster than ever.
I always have to force myself to stop thinking about you and this always gets harder and harder.
I would still fall in love with you in the absence of gravity.
You make me shine so bright that now the sun is jealous of me.
I will never compete for your love as I know I have a monopoly over it.
My heart was impure until you started living in it.
Betrayal in love is when the love really dies.
It is not my passion to love you but my duty.
My love for you increased when I saw the imperfect you.
Let me in your heart for just once. I will find my way to your soul from there.
I see myself smile only when you are around.
You are my courage and your love my strength.
The fairy tale was just a fiction before I met you.
Life is a journey to which love is the fuel.
I love that you still love me even after seeing my dark side.
Do you know what is wondrous? My love for you. Because it is perfect even though I am not!
How can a man love again when his previous lover left him with nothing but a broken heart.
If I hadn't found the love of my life, I would never be able to prevent my life from falling apart.
Love is not meant for people who get the thought of giving up.
It is love which can bring back all the sweet memories of your life.
I loved you because I was ready to bear all the consequences and not because I was alone.
The only reason why I wake up with a smile is you.
If you start having limitations in love, then it is not love at all.
My love for you has remained the same, and I believe it will never change.
Spending my life forever with you does not seem a long time.
I do not know what others think about you, but my love for you says that you are perfect.
I never knew what responsibility was before I fell in love with you.
I like the way people get jealous when they see us together.
I can never leave you as you supported me at the time when I couldn't cope with all my problems.
I chose you over my family because I could see a future with you.
I remembered you when I felt empty, and it seemed like the emptiness never existed in me.
Never take someone's love for granted, you'll regret it after you lose them.
Love should be real and sacred and shouldn't be taken advantage of.
The definition of love is different for everyone but it all means the same.
Love that is bought with money isn't true and it never lasts.
There can be nothing more real than love with a bit of sacrifice and patience.
You say that you love them but what they actually need is for you to prove that to them.
The boundaries of loving someone should be respected, else there can be consequences you don't want to face.
Love has to be peaceful and soothing to the soul, that is when you'll know you've fallen for someone.
When you love someone for their beauty you should know that beauty cannot be preserved forever but you can preserve the person in them.
Superficial love is not real, in fact it is not even love, you might just be wasting your time.
Loving someone is simple in the beginning but it gets more complicated as it gets deeper.
Love needs attention, it needs patience, and most of all it needs honesty.
Even if one of them isn't respected in love then you're not with the right person.
You melt my heart, you make my heartbeat faster, I wish you felt the same way.
Love has a lot of power, the power to make, to break, or even create someone into being something they never thought they could be.
Love is an important part of life that matters to every living being, it is what gives meaning to life.
Love gives one courage, teaches patience, and most of all brings out the best version of yourself.
Fake love exists and people are not to blame for it because it is a human need to love and feel loved.
You can pretend to love someone but you can't fool them forever.
Love brings out the real madness you had in yourself you didn't know you had all this long.
Love is a habit, you can't avoid loving someone because it makes you weak.
Loving the right person will make you the strongest and the most confident person.
It takes everything to prove your love for someone and seconds to end all the trust you built.
People often confuse obsession for love, it's not the same if you think hard enough.
Never fall in love when you're weak, that is the time we make the dumbest decisions.
You don't have to love someone just because they love you, love is a two-way connection that takes time and patience.
Love is always fun in the beginning, the real issues come after a certain time and that's where you really need to think.
Loving someone constantly forever is very difficult, if you can do that then no force can bring you down.
Nobody can love you if you don't communicate and express feelings, these are the keys to a healthy relationship.
No one's incapable of love, you create your weakness when you start loving and some can't accept it.
To lead a beautiful life, you need to learn to appreciate your loved ones.
If you give love to someone, you always receive it back.
Always be careful while loving someone as you need to accept them for who they are.
Falling in love is easy but keeping a relationship together isn't easy.
Never love someone with the thought of breaking up as a broken heart cannot be fixed easily.
Having you makes me feel like I am the luckiest person in the world.
Start spreading love instead of searching for it.
What you say and what you do both matters when you are in love.
Even the rudest of all persons can be made soft-hearted by love
You will understand the real meaning of closeness only when you are distant from your lover.
If you cannot respect your parents, love means nothing to you
Count your blessings instead of counting the hearts you have broken.
Nothing can prevent you from meeting the true love of your life.
You end up breaking your heart only when you are impatient to fall in love.
Love can make a difference in every second of your life.
When two hearts unite, nothing can sever their connection.
Hold onto that person tightly and don't let go if they make your heart skip a beat.
The best partnerships are ones that help each other to be their best selves.
Being in the arms of the one you love is the best possible feeling.
The commitment to support and care for each other through good times and bad is what makes a relationship true love.
Love is about respect and appreciation, not ownership.
The love you share with a certain someone brings you the most happiness in life.
The road of love is its own reward. Enjoy the journey with your special someone.
Love has the ability to overcome all challenges and provide light even on the darkest of situations.
A true partner is someone who encourages you and works with you to improve yourself.
Love is not just about what you receive, but what you give to others.
The beauty of love is in the little moments that you share with each other.
Love is not just about words, it's about actions that show you care.
When you love someone, you accept them for who they are, flaws and all.
Love is not just a feeling, it's a choice you make every day to be there for the one you care about.
The best relationships are those where both partners make each other better people.
Love is not just about finding the right person, it's about being the right person for someone else.
The joy of love is in the simple things like holding hands and sharing a smile.
Love is not about finding someone to complete you, it's about finding someone who complements you.
When you love someone, their happiness becomes your own.
Love requires care and attention to bloom, much like a flower.
The best form of love motivates you to improve yourself as a person.
Love is more than simply words; it's also about deeds that demonstrate your concern.
The world is a happier place when two hearts unite.
When you can be who you are around someone and they still love you for who you are, that is true love.
Love is about supporting one another through difficult times as well as the joyful moments.
Love is about finding someone who accepts and celebrates your flaws, not about finding someone who makes you whole.
Your love and attention are the greatest gifts you can give someone.
Finding someone to share your happiness with is what true love is about, not finding someone to make you happy.
Love is beautiful because it gets stronger as time goes on.