"What we see around us is a living imagination."
"What we see around us is a living imagination."
"Until you work on your imagination, it won't turn into reality."
"Life is an art that crafts imagination into reality."
"Your imagination is nothing but an unseen reality."
"When your imagination gives rise to commitment, it soon becomes a reality."
"Never stop imagining, because sometimes your imagination makes you do great."
"When our imagination gives rise to curiosity, we tend to prove it right."
"There is something greater than our knowledge, it is our imagination."
"People who believe only in reality lack imagination."
"Your imagination power increases as you desire to fulfill your dreams."
"Without the power of imagination, humans would never prosper."
"Reality has its limitations but imagination is boundless."
"The growing technology has reduced the imagination power of many minds."
"Your imagination rust when you only watch but do not understand."
"A person becomes creative through his imaginations."
"Your imagination works best when you have nothing to lose."
"Technology is nothing but ideas of many imaginative minds."
"The happiest person is the one who lives in his imaginations."
The best way to improve your imagination is by reading books.
Unless you keep imagining, new inventions cannot be discovered.
Your brain grows dull when you refrain from imagining
The mind is an extension of our thoughts and imaginations.
The logic behind imagination is that imagination can be illogical.
When you are committed to a life that you imagine, there is nothing to stop you.
When your mind is still, do not waste time thinking the bad you have done instead imagine what good you can do.
Creative imagination cannot be bought by money, it can be inculcated only through peace of mind.
Your life becomes meaningful when you start executing your plans.
Little minds often foster tremendous imaginations.
A mind without imagination is like an ocean without water.
One requires imagination and not smartness to make philosophies.
Imagination is the compass that guides us to new horizons as we travel the uncharted waters of creativity.
The limits of reality dissolve in the realm of imagination, giving rise to the extraordinary.
As Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is the playground of the mind, where ideas swing, dreams slide, and possibilities are endless."
Imagination is the palette that gives life to our thoughts; a world without it is like a canvas without colours.
The storyteller who weaves the threads of reality into the tapestry of wonder is imagination.
Imagination is the seed that blooms into the flowers of innovation in the garden of ideas.
We look at the stars of what might be through the telescope of our imagination.
Imagination is the flight that takes us beyond the ordinary. A mind without imagination is like a bird without wings.
Imagination is the conductor who arranges the melodies of creativity in the symphony of thought.
The gems of originality and invention are stored in the treasure chest of the mind, which is imagination.