"Everyone says don't judge me, but everyone does."
"Everyone says don't judge me, but everyone does."
"If you want to kill something, kill demon inside you."
"Life has two shades the second one starts when we relize we have one."
"Understanding oneself is the most difficult task in the world."
"Be a person who can see the soul of others, not the face."
"Nothing is hard or easy, it is you who make things like this."
"Never give up on your hard work, one day you will definitely succeed."
"Your uniqueness is not visible to everyone but it is important that you know that you are unique."
"When you start giving importance to others more than yourself, you are already defeated."
"Losing your confidence is the equivalent of killing yourself."
"Do not give up until you are alive, one day you will definitely be at the peak of success."
"Life is not for spending in wars, start spreading happiness and peace to reduce or end the war."
"There is very little time to fulfill everyone's dreams in this life, so chase your dreams first."
"It is not always necessary to choose a difficult path to reach the destination."
"Having different viewpoints to see the world makes you extraordinary and unique."
"Being choosy shows that you are smart and intelligent."
"When a joke starts being bad, it is no longer a joke."
"Life is for living itself, not for wasting on fools."
"If the world rests on hope then why don't you expect yourself."
"Trust yourself to make any decision, not others because they are not in your shoes."
"The more you expect from others, the more you will get hurt."
"Luck is not always helpful, hardwork also matters a lot."
"If you don't love yourself, this world won't love you either."
"Learn to live this life for yourself, not for anyone else, you will be happier."
"Your honor is the most important in the world."
"Life is too short so never regret something that makes you happy."
"My only motive in this life is to spread happiness."
"You don't need to prove anything to anyone, just have faith in yourself."
"I am not an open book, you have to turn the page to read me."
"If you want to do something right, you should not wait for the right time."
"My dreams are not my desire, it is my need."
"Only you can love others if you can love yourself."
"The simple mantra to be happy is to make others happy."
"Just as you get time to read, we get time to write."
"You should never lose those who really care for you."
"You should always find a purpose to live your life."
"I am trying to be better than the best."
"We get a life, then why are you not living?"
"Do not go to a place where your value is nothing."
"Every single moment of life has been chosen by you."
"Try to be someone's path of life, not snag."
"Always keep pace in the game of a lifetime."
"Your way of thinking determines your way of living."
"Those who are counting on you are not fools."
"Do not be unfaithful to those who are loyal to you."
"I know my priorities that's why I am happy."
"Your life is precious, do not let others destroy it."
"Live for your own happiness, not to show others."
"Your courage is a way to fulfill your dreams."
"Do not be with others, let others be with you."
Be patient, and life itself will start giving you solutions to your problems
It is easier to become successful if you always try to take things positively.
Failure is something that inspires me to do better in my life
If you keep your eyes shut you can miss the most beautiful moments of life.
Life lived in darkness is better than a life full of lies.
Choose to inspire people, not many are capable of it, that's the right way to live life.
I can't live a life that's filled with people who don't know how to take care of theirs.
Managing your time and skills together properly is a special life skill.
Life is full of interesting events, we can choose to take part in them or not.
A little smile can make someone's day better so imagine how much control you have over someone else's life too.
What I do with my life is nobody's business, I never bothered about yours so I expect the same.
We make decisions based on what our mind tells us is right for us, but life doesn't always point your mind towards the right direction.
It's not a bad day, it's just another day in life that you need to appreciate to be living.
I'm always there for my people, everybody needs someone's support in their life.
Try to be cool, have some fun in life, it's not always about work.
You should know what you're going to be doing tomorrow, you deserve to live your life to the fullest.
It wasn't my fault, life didn't favor me and it had to happen.
We feel like our life is full of mess sometimes, that mess is what teaches us to live through the tough days.
My life was never hard, I always had my friends and family who got my back.
Falling down does not mean failure, it means a new beginning to being the winner.
While facing the problem, just face it with a smile, it makes an environment that even the big problems seems small.
I trust you so much that when you said, I started to understand the day at night.
Do not give circumstances to teach you a lesson, be prepared for everything.
I am dreaming with my open eyes because I know that I can turn it into reality.
Your success does not depend on your personality. Personality is a secondary thing, it is more important to focus on the goal.
If you give your best and you fail in the result then this is the time when you have to be better than the best.
It is not always necessary to choose the difficult route to reach the destination but the difficult paths always give you the best lessons and experiences with a different perspective to see the world.
Enjoying life does not mean destroying yourself, you should know what is right and what is wrong.
Observing others before making decisions as friends is always a sign of intelligence.
I had trouble walking on the rough road, so I made a paved road for myself.
Time is short but the goal (target) is big, it does not just happen in sales, it is the real definition of life.
Your life should not be like meeting needs, you should also get your wishes and desires.
Struggle in your life makes you strong, never back down while struggling.
If you lie to yourself 100 times, then that lie also appears to be true, but the lie is always a lie. Try to trust the truth and not the lie because one day a lie will be revealed.
Life is a continuous process in which you have to face problems knowingly-unknowingly, but it is up to you how you are dealing with it or solving it.
Everybody suggests, the only difference is that one is facing the situation and the others are imagining.
Life lessons are not given by others, you have to experience it yourself.
You should know the people around you because not everyone around you is expressive.
I don't know the philosophy of life, yet suggest you because I think you really need me like I need you.
Being happy does not mean that I have no problem, the thing is that I have decided not to worry.
Nothing is complicated, it is our mind that assures us that things are complicated.
Life is like a snake-ladder, our actions decide whether we have to climb the ladder or be bitten by a snake.
Life is like a dice, we have to roll it and no one knows what number will be at the top.
I wanted my life to stop living for others so that I could start living for myself.
You don't have to make excuses to win someone's heart, your holiness is enough.
Start learning from other's mistake too, because life is very small to learn from your own experience.
Money is not enough to live, try not to lose the person who is not with you for your money.
Respect is one such thing, which you will not get forcefully, you must earn it.
Life is no use without respect, earn respect and see life will be amazing.
Only make promises you can fulfill, because it hurts others when you break your promise.
I have lost a screw, I am very worried because it was a part of your brain.
Walking alone in life can make you travel more distance, but traveling with someone makes you realize how beautiful the path is.
Life is not about how far you have traveled, it is about how much you experience and enjoy it.
Earning money is not so much that you can make your life happy, for this you will have to earn people.
Valuable items are very difficult to obtain, but this does not mean that what you have easily found has no value.
My happiness makes the people around me worry less and it is priceless to me.
Not every yellow shiny thing is gold, the jeweler is the one who can easily distinguish between gold and brass. Be like a jeweler to differentiate between your friends and enemies.
If you are really capable then spend time with your friends and family too.
Everyone wants the adventure in life, why do you forget that life itself is an adventure.
Think big, start small. Believe in yourself that your small start can fulfill your big thinking.
Taking lessons from the past and applying it to the future, this is life.
Revenge does not make you different from the person from whom you have to take revenge.
Try to forgive others when they apologize, this will make you feel happy and reduce your burden.
Be a person who is very important to everyone so that people are afraid of losing you.
Life is wonderful with a partner, but there is a condition that the partner should be suitable, who can understand you and whom you can understand.
Live the life you imagined, only you can transform your imagination into your reality.
You can easily understand others, including friendship in all relationships.
Nowadays there is an acting school in every corner, beware of people and choose them wisely as your close ones.
If God has given me this life again, I will make the same mistake because I have learned so much from those mistakes.
Exams help you to improve yourself, never make excuses to leave the exam.
Life is a game in which you will not get a lifeline, so take each step wisely.
If you have tears in your eyes, make sure this is the last time you have cried for that particular reason.
You don't always need love to be together with someone. Need and understanding are enough to make people live a life together.
Nobody is perfect in the beginning, people make mistakes and these mistakes make them perfect.
You are a sailor who does not wait for the shore, the shore awaits you.
Don't stop now, your dream is also dreaming that you are coming to get it.
Life is an opportunity to face challenges, receive lessons, learn from them, and apply learning in the future.
I was someone's dream, which has come true today and now it's my dream to make everyone's dream come true.
I don't want to be a clown but still want to be a reason for others to smile.
Our fate should not be disturbed by others, only we can make or destroy it.
Trust your actions not your fate, because you can change your fate with your actions.
At the end of my life, I want to say that I have no regrets in my life.
Successful is only the person who does not lose his family and friends to achieve his success.
Be with those who will support you when you are right and correct you when you are wrong.
Now-a-days there is an actor inside everyone, try to find out if that person is a villain or a hero for you.
Sometimes by letting others win you become a winner, always winning attitude sometimes loses you.
Learn to live your life in your own way, if you live according to others, you will not be relieved.
You cannot solve problems by worrying and crying, all problems are easily solved by thinking calmly.
The vindictive heart never gets happiness because it is full of anger so in return it gets anger.
Everyone has time, only their priorities are different. Be with someone whose priority you are.
I don't take things lightly, everything is important to me so I'm the winner.
No one is responsible for your happiness, it is your inner self that is responsible for your happiness.
Your priorities are decided by you, don't say that you don't have time for others.
Life is simple, we are making it complicated which is difficult to understand by others as well as by yourself.
Some wounds can be cured with medication and others can be cured by time.
Take life seriously but not too seriously, try to understand "too" here.
Too much too in life make you unhappy and also decrease the value of things
Do not let others decide your own value, create and decide your own value.
Before you end your life seek permission from those who have given you this life.
Do not let your enemy understand you and do not allow your friends to misunderstand you.
If you get hurt then cry and then stand as a strong person so that no one can hurt you.
You will not get anything by hurting someone's heart, it only fills you with regret.
I have no complaints with anyone, thanks for teaching me a lesson, thank you for making me stronger.
Man cannot always inspire, sometimes inspiration comes from a piece of grass.
There is a good connection between heart and mind. The mind has to solve the problem created by the heart.
If you will not love your life, then your life will not love you either.
Unless you understand things deeply, you should have a habit of asking questions.
Asking questions does not mean that you are stupid, it means that you are smarter than your fellow peers.
Trust yourself, not others because others may break your trust, but you will never.
Friends are those who will double your happiness and share your sorrow.
Reality is different from imagination but it is not impossible to make fiction real.
Impossible itself is saying I am possible, so who are we to say anything impossible.
Be competitive. This will help you to know your strengths as well as weaknesses.
Competition does not have bad intentions, it is people who accuse competition for their evil.
Do not go for shortcuts to achieve your goal as you learn more while traveling to reach the destination.
Shortcuts will not give you the happiness that you will get by flowing blood and sweat to reach the goal.
I am not the son of a rich dad, but my dad will be the father of a rich son.
Never let emotions and spirits end because they keep the family connected and inspire dreams.
You do not need courage to think differently but you need courage to turn your thinking into reality.
Even if you know that you will fail, try because miracles happen where people are trying.
Everyone wants rest, to get their desired rest, first you have to leave your rest.
What you are good at is your uniqueness, no matter how small or big it is.
People who are loving their lives are always happy.
Live life the way you want because how others want you to live life, is not living.
If you are making a mistake then also it is fine, you are human, not God.
Life is like a coin and sorrow and happiness are two sides of the coin, we have to face both.
Life will give you everything you deserve if you play it right.
Life is interesting if you know what you're doing and where it will take you.
We should be so thankful for being given a chance to live life as humans.
People disapprove of you for a lot of things, it's up to you to decide what's good for you and what's not.
All you know about life right now is not even one-thousandth part of what life is actually about.
Miracles happen in life, you just need to wait enough and the time will come.
Life is delicate, you get to live it only once so make the correct choices.
A life where your friends are like family and your family ever closer, paradise.
Get past the mistakes you made in life and recover from it to stand up strong once again.
Make use of your life, your time and your strength to achieve all the success you need.
You're losing nothing in trying and giving it a chance, if it doesn't do any good you will learn from it.
Life contains a mix of innumerable emotions, both happy and sad, but happiness always overcomes the sadness.
You will remember the time when life was good but you could make it better if you gave it time and love, now it's just regret and remorse.
Some people complete you, hold on to them, you need them in your life and they need you in return.
If you stopped for a while and flipped through the memories of your past you'll know just where you went wrong and become wiser this time.
There is no way one could be perfect, life treats everyone differently, it's your turn to master it.
Sometimes don't you think life is unfair? The ones doing well do better while the ones who actually need it are not given a chance.
Stand up for yourself because nobody else will, life keeps everyone busy with their own situations.
Live for yourself, work for yourself but pray for the world.
Do you ever wonder how things changed out of nowhere in your life and you ended up here?
What you do, how you do it and what made you do it is all that life is about.
Don't hold enemies and grudges, apologize and forgive, life is too short for stupid drama that nobody requires.
Play all you want with your life but make sure you create a good score and people appreciate you.
You got no hope, everything is a lost cause, maybe life is preparing you for something nobody ever imagined of.
Don't miss out on the opportunities and postpone your future because life stops giving chances when you stop taking them.
Life is a lot easier when you face reality with bravery.
Life is not always easy, but this does not mean that you stop fighting for yourself.
You can have a good life only when you quit talking and start accomplishing your goals.
Life is incomplete without having crazy friends in our life.
If life was predictable, it would have got us bored.
Your life will never be fruitful if you only live for your greed.
If you fail in your life, try to make a better plan than yesterday.
If people lived only for fun, then technology would never have got advanced.
Life would have gotten better if you stopped finding others mistakes.
If you make a fool of yourself, do not blame your life for it.
Staying happy can solve most of the problems of your life.
People who struggle the most are the ones who learn the greatest lessons of life.
It is the uniqueness of life that differentiates you from others.
Believe in your dreams, and see how the hard work favours you.
It is important to forget our past to become prosperous.
Imitating others work will leave you behind with nothing but failure.
When you focus on the bright side of your life, the dark side will disappear on its own.
You can succeed in life when you start taking interest in the things that you desire.
You can ebb away your guilt by spreading love everywhere.
Some of the most thrilling experiences of life come by taking risks.
It is necessary to realize that failure helps us in making our life better.
Support is essential in life to go in the right direction.
Courageous people never step back from failure and end up doing the impossible.
When you are capable of doing hard work, why do you wait for luck to favour you?
When you are dependent on others, you cannot live a life of your own.
You are unique as the adventure of life is different for every individual.
You can never live a happy life if you are only expecting and not initiating.
The most important lesson that life has taught me is that giving up will only make you a loser.
Learn to ignore people as it will make your life a lot easier.
The best solution to avoid the problems of life is to predict them earlier.
Learn to achieve things through love and not through war.
Make things right before life takes away the opportunity from you.
Living life with guilt will only make you regret it.
Spend your life trying to make your enemies your friends.
Find the purpose of your life and live to fulfil it.
You will never get to learn about life if you are not brave enough to explore.
"Learning to dance in the rain is part of life; it's not about waiting for the storm to pass."
"Life is like a puzzle, with each piece perfectly fitting to make a distinctive and lovely picture."
Life is like a mirror; you get back what you put out into the world. Decide to spread love and positivity.
Life flows ceaselessly, sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly. However, it is constantly progressing, and so should we.
The journey, not the goal, is what defines life. Embrace the experience and treasure the moments.
Life is like a song with various rhythms and notes. However, it is up to us to turn it into beautiful music.
We are the creators of the story that is life. We have the option to include a joyful ending.
Life is about making opportunities, not waiting for them to come to you.
Make each minute count because life is nothing but moments.
Life is like a game; you can win sometimes and lose occasionally. However, it's crucial to continue practising and learning.
Although life is not always simple, difficulties help us become stronger and wiser.
Life is about making lifetime memories," the saying goes.
It is up to everyone of us to uncover our true selves on the road of life.
Life is a precious gift; treasure it and seize each opportunity.
Life is like a camera, focus on the good times and capture the beauty around you.
Finding your passion and going for it with all of your heart is what life is all about.
Experiences and relationships that enrich our lives are more important than material possessions in life.
Life is like a rainbow, it's pretty and colourful, but it only shows up after the rain, someone once said.
Life is about taking chances and moving past our comfort zones in order to develop and learn.
It is up to us to create a picture on the canvas of life that represents who we truly are.
Life is like a puzzle, sometimes the pieces don't fit together perfectly, but with patience and persistence, we can create a beautiful masterpiece.
Life is about learning from our mistakes and using them to become better versions of ourselves.
Life is a journey of self-discovery, so it's important to take the time to reflect on who we are and what we want out of life.
Life is like a garden; to grow and flourish, it needs care, love, and attention.
Life is about leaving the world better off than we found it and having a positive impact on it.
Life is a precious gift, and it is our responsibility to seize every chance and live it fully.
Life is like a book, with new experiences and adventures in each chapter.
Life is about enjoying the beauty all around us and finding delight in the small things.
Because life is an adventure, welcome the journey wholeheartedly.
Focus on building a better future instead of dwelling on the past because life is too short for that.
Life has its ups and downs, like a roller coaster. But what makes it thrilling is the ride.
Remember that life is a gift, and you shouldn't take it for granted. Make every second matter.