"You shine to prove yourself not because someone expects you to."
"You shine to prove yourself not because someone expects you to."
"Light is something that guides you, when you blow it off you lose the path."
"A soul is always shining underneath, the body has to express it."
"Without darkness, nothing could be able to shine glamorously."
"Be the moon that shines even in the dark when people cannot see the path."
"If you want to shine you need to light up."
"The shine in you should not decrease for the sake of someone else."
"Stars prove that you can shine even in the dark."
"We stand in the dark and expect the world to see us shine."
"Like a single candle can light the whole room a single human can light a whole society."
"Do not try to shine by someone else's influence."
"The shine in you starts vanishing as you start giving up."
"Nothing can shine forever, even the sun fades away."
"A person always shines when he has a strong desire."
"The beauty is not in the glowing skin but the shining soul."
"Brightness always begins with some darkness which makes it worth the moment."
"Brightness and shine are the most beautiful words that could be used as a metaphor to express a merry life."
"Glitter is attractive because it shines, similarly, a shining human seems attractive instantly."
"The hope of sparks comes from within and lights up the outside."
"You don't wait for the brightness to shine on you, instead, you go towards it and find it."
"The humans who are energetic and happy release positive energy so does a diamond that sparkles."
"You shine today, tomorrow it will be someone else, this continues till there is brightness everywhere."
"Standing with others means following the crowd, standing out alone is when you shine."
"If the sun would shine even in the night, living in the dark would be terror."
"Lanterns burn bright but people who oblige to help others burn brighter."
"Unless you glow the world cannot see your presence."
"Fools close their eyes and think that no one is watching, their shine fades away."
"The similarity between a human and a torch is that both need a push to glow."
"Let not discouraging feedback dim your brightness."
"The reason for the glow on a mother's face is because of her dreams to make her child successful."
"I love to live because there are people who want to see me shine."
"You cannot shine by being other people's pet."
"Never lower your brightness for the sake of other people."
"The brightness has increased to such an extent that I think now I'm running out of battery."
"I think it is God who always has helped me glow."
"Not all people who shine are virtuous human beings."
"If you stop helping the needy, the shine in you will eventually disappear."
"Sometimes it is not your reflection but the soul that shines."
"If you want the shadows to fade away, stop preaching the darkness and start worshipping the light."
"I have motivated myself to a level that I can shine even in the dark."
"You can overcome any weakness by believing the light within you."
"You can shine brightly only when you start thinking in unique ways."
"If I wasn't afraid of the dark, I would never have learnt to shine."
"Exhibit your true feelings, and the world will watch you shine."
"Let not your enemies be a reason for you to stop expressing your brightness."
It's best to shine in the open rather than sitting in the corner all alone.
It's good to shine but keep an eye out on the jealous ones.
Take your chance while it lasts, it won't always be bright.
In search of sunshine you'll often land in darkness, but remember that it is not the end.
The people who come from nothing know the real value of success.
Don't run away from problems, solving them now will bring brightness later on.
Flying as high as you can won't make you shine but being consistent in what you do does.
Some prefer being common while others want to spread their wings and shine.
If you have the power to make people agree with you then you're already shining.
They say there's no rest for the wicked, maybe that's why they're shining.
The ones who got your back should be the ones shining in your eyes.
Positive energy makes a person shine from within.
Looking at others shine shouldn't make you jealous, instead you should feel motivated.
If you see success when you close your eyes then you're getting really close.
Give it all you've got and you'll shine like you didn't even think you would.
Shine like the sun and let your brilliance illuminate the entire universe.
Let your light shine so brightly that others can't help but be inspired by it. Don't let anyone dim your shine.
Be the light that shines bright and leads others to hope and positivity in a world full of darkness.
Never take away from your own unique and irreplaceable brilliance for the sake of others.
Your confidence and shine are the most beautiful things you can wear, so wear it proudly and boldly.
Shine from within, and let your inner light guide you towards greatness.
There is no limit to how bright you can shine, so don't be afraid to let your brilliance shine through.
Shine like the stars in the night sky, and illuminate the path towards your dreams and goals.
Don't wait for someone else to give you permission to shine, give yourself the permission to sparkle and shine on your own.
Your shine is a reflection of your true self, so embrace it and let it radiate outwards for all to see.
Shine from the inside out and allow your inner light to lead you to greatness.
Give yourself the green light to glitter and shine on your own instead of waiting for someone else to approve.
Your inner self is reflected in your brightness, so embrace it and let it light outward for everyone to see.
Shine brightly and let your brilliance illuminate the space.
Never allow someone take away your shine since it is the essence of who you are.
Your shine is something that should be shared with the world; it shouldn't be kept hidden.
You were meant to shine brightly and beautifully; don't let anyone dull your sparkle.
Your inner self is reflected in your shine, so embrace it and allow it to lead you to your destiny.
When you let your light shine, you give others permission to do the same.
The world needs more people who are willing to shine their light and spread positivity.
You should liberally distribute your glow wherever you go because it is contagious.
Your shine comes from within and is always available to you; it is not dependent on external factors.
You become unstoppable in pursuing your dreams and goals when you embrace your shine.
To those who may be struggling in the dark, your shine is a beacon of hope and inspiration.
All the good things life has to offer are drawn to you like a magnet because of your shine.
Your shine is your legacy, so make sure it makes a lasting impression on the world.
When you allow your light to shine, you increase the world's beauty and magic.
Your shine shows that even in the darkest corners, there is light to be found.
Don't let fear dim your shine; let your courage and tenacity light up your path.
Your shine serves as a reminder that goodness and beauty can be found everywhere in the world.