"The only thing that matters the most is your happiness."
"The only thing that matters the most is your happiness."
"One has to get out of the crowd to make his own identity."
"Life is like math, sometimes simple and sometimes complicated."
"The face may lie to you, but the eyes are always true."
"The worst day of my life is when I feel like I'm tired."
"Life is not for loving others, you must know to love yourself."
"The worst nightmare I've seen is to give up on the things I need."
"It is good to be childish as long as the situation is under control."
"You do not need a blood relationship to trust and love others."
"The end of my love with life is not the end of my life with love."
"Not everyone is born a writer, status and passion make people writers."
"With money you can buy puppets, not humans who have feelings."
"Being loyal to a partner is one of the best feelings ever."
"We always remember the lesson taught by the situation."
"Never forget, you received support from priceless to be valuable."
"If you can change your thoughts then your world can change."
"Do not change the person, change their way of thinking."
"Find your inspiration. This is what makes life so easy and amazing."
"Take your life seriously, joking with your life is not very funny."
"I know that you love adventure so God has made you human."
"Revenge never makes you happy, it hurts others and makes you bad."
"Imagine as much as you can, it will help you do something unique."
"Do not forget that your roots are more important when growing."
"Before giving suggestions to others, first try to be in their shoes."
"It does not matter how much you are living, just live well."
"Those who can smile in trouble, they overcome the problems easily."
"To change your current situation, first change your way of thinking."
"If you hate my true self, hate me because I cannot act for your love."
"I am very bad at acting so what you are seeing is real."
"Your life is your choice, do not regret your own decisions."
"You always have a chance to correct the things you are regretting."
"Correct your regrets in this life and live with happiness."
"If someone hurts you, it does not mean that everyone will hurt you."
"Never punish people for a mistake they have never committed."
"Thank you to all the people in my life for making it beautiful."
"Relationships are made by heart, business is made by mind."
"Your life has value until you transform into another person."
"Life is not what we see on TV, it is what we see or face every day."
"Challenge yourself everyday, it will help you improve from yesterday."
"By challenging yourself you can know what you are capable of."
"Successful are those who can come out of their comfort zone."
"To create your unique identity, you have to leave your comfort zone."
"Be the person for whom people can wait, be special to everyone."
"I am not special to everyone but I am special to those who know me."
"Your comfort zone will never let you be special and unique."
"Learn new things but never give up the things you are good at."
"Do not let others thinking dominate your way of living."
"If you are satisfying everyone then you are definitely not human."
"If you are able to make everyone happy then you are definitely alone."
"In your journey of life, you may not find what you want but you may find something better. Remember, Columbus was not on the journey to discover America. "
"Waiting for death is not the real purpose of living our lives. "
"Living is not just staying alive. It's about giving meaning to Life."
"Don't be the pirate searching for treasures. Your life is the most precious treasure you could have. "
"Plan your life like it’s a weekend!"
"There was a moment in life where I learned every right decision taken by me is not necessarily right for others."
"Life is like a fortune cookie, there is a message hidden inside."
"The quality of your life depends on the quality of the people around you."
"You enjoy tea when it is hot and difficult to drink. Likewise one cannot enjoy life without difficulties."
"Living inside four walls is not Life if you are not being productive."
If you ever feel life is unfair, look at the unprivileged to understand the fairness of life!
Patience is crucial to handle the hardship in life.
Hate is the culprit in the destruction of many lives.
As time aged, thoughts of humans were rusted.
Without challenges life is tasteless.
If you fear to accept changes in life then you see no progress in your personality.
There will not be any positive impact in life if you let others down.
For a better life, one must have a positive perception of everything.
Having a goal in life leads to a happy life.
Don't let others have any strings attached to your life!
If we knew the way of living life from the time we were born, we would be called Robots.
Emptiness in life can be experienced only when one is alone.
People advise ways to improve my life without being in my shoes.
If you feel satisfied in life then you are not living it right!
For a beautiful death, beautiful deeds are required.
To have control over your life, first, have control over your actions.
If you wait for luck to happen then the person working hard will take everything that you wished for.
There is a big change and there is a small change. One has to live past these to embrace the huge change.
A person with no mistakes is proof of a life spent doing nothing.
The good impact of one's life on others can be seen only after death takes control.
A fool can never be wise if played by the rules of wise!
My bond with life keeps getting stronger as I keep solving mysteries in it.
The perfect life can only be seen in movies and palaces.
Overpraising your life can be an insult to others.
Life can never be tested before living, as it is itself a test.
Don’t just be hungry for food, have the hunger to learn the reality of life.
Trust can teach you the lesson of worthiness.
Be clear in what you choose. An unfaithful friend or a faithful enemy!
Your will to live can be stronger only by accepting the harsh reality of life.
Keep your mind calm and heart anxious to deal with any situation in life
Lies are made for people with no guts.
The time you learn to live is the only time you accept sufferings in life.
The dawn tells you life is not full of brightness or darkness but a mixture of both.
The life of a great person is forged by the hammer of experience.
Being kind is not so hard. The only this one must do is to show kindness.
Stars are so huge but look so small. The case is similar to our lives.
The ego must be shown only when dealing with your own emotions.
Respect those who have the ability to respect others' lives.
Fame is only materialistic so respect is what one should seek.
Being harsh will surely harm others but it will also do no good to your soul!
Destruction is the sign of failing civilization.
A war is fought just to bring peace in the end.
Humor is at its best when it comes as a result of sadness in life.
Moving forward in life can be hard but not impossible.
Life can be answered only by living it.
It is almost impossible to not face difficulty in life.
Life is like a box, the moment you shut its lid, there is darkness inside.
Smiling in the time of trouble reflects your understanding of life.
Make sure to make others smile before they shut you in a coffin.
Never let the control someone has over you decide your fate.
The best way to live a happy life is by not hating other people's success.
Relieve the burden of troubles by remembering the blessings of the day.
Life gives a second chance to most people, but they do not realize it.
Every failure gives you a new lesson, so never think of giving up.
Sometimes the bitter truth can tear apart your whole life.
Stop expecting miracles to happen, and you can live a wonderful life.
In the darkest moments of life, a smile on your face hurts you the most.
Never forget to appreciate the people who love you for who you are.
You can get what you deserve by having a bit of patience in you.
It is ok if you trust a few, but you need to treat everyone with respect.
Your perfection starts fading away when greediness slips into your mind.
Sadness can sometimes make you take the worst decisions of your life.
People understand the true value of a moment when it becomes a memory.
Do not expect a second chance from life by repeating the same mistakes.
Making family your first priority will make you realise how easy it is to manage work.
The journey of life begins with someone else teaching us till we teach someone else the meaning of life.
Live with the thought of forgiving and forgetting and realise how easy life can get.
Never run away from your problems because wherever you go they'll follow you there.
Nobody has a perfect life, the imperfections in each person is what makes life unique.
Time will come and go but the moment that you missed is gone forever.
Life has become so easy compared to before but the reality of life will never change.
Life does not come with a guarantee, you create it yourself.
Enjoy the little moments in life, you can never appreciate it enough.
When bored, sit back and watch a show, life is too short to complain.
Insecurities are part of our lives, you might look strong from the outside but are you the same within?
Life goes on the way you perceive it, change your thoughts and notice the quality of your life.
Life throws its worst on you to test how great you are with handling the harshest situations.
You can never earn enough in life, there's always a greed to own more than you need.
Experiencing new things in life will only make you better than what you are.
Life seems like a paradise to some and hell for others but in the end we all lie in the same dust.
It is life, it's a one time opportunity to show that it is worth living for.
Nothing comes on its own, you need to spend life to earn it.
Peer pressure is what destroys one's life, you need to know what you want without getting distracted.
You can't keep your life real with people around you lying about theirs.
It is how you live life that shows how much you appreciate life.
There's always a strong desire to be better than someone else, that's why we're given a life to prove it.
You can't be sure about anything here, that's what life is about.
Everybody asks for the best but nobody appreciates what life gives us.
Care about everyone even if they don't matter to you, you will definitely be rewarded in this life or after.
Life without wealth is what living life actually means, the rest are living for the world.
Everybody has the will to live to see another day, so treat everyone genuinely and you'll be treated the same way.
Appreciation is a necessity, you can't go ahead without motivation in your life.
Everything has meaning when you put your life in the right place.
Life always gives you a chance to make things right, it's your choice to take it or let it go.
Laziness will get you nowhere in life, if you want something you need to work for it.
The most beautiful part about life is that you can live it the way you want to. There's no resistance or barriers stopping you from being yourself.
You can't correct something wrong you did in a game, but in life you can even change your destiny.
This life is yours to explore, to experience the best and the worst, to risk what you have and make it worth living.
If you expect everything good to happen in your life then you should also face the hard times patiently.
It's great to have someone by your side and even better if you promise a life together.
Your life has meaning, you live it right and you'll find it yourself.
Mourning over something silly will make you weak, if you want to grow then learn to put up a straight face.
It's not difficult to let something go in life, you just need a backup plan to move on.
The ones who are always there for you, you deserve them in your life because of the good you've done in the world.
If someone wants to stay in your life, give them a chance, it's never too late to prove how much you love someone.
I live my life trusting to see another day but even if I don't I have nothing to lose.
Have some self respect, don't let someone else decide what's good for you because it is your life and you need to make that decision.
Take a break from whatever is not letting you be yourself in life, get back once you feel better. It will surely transform you into a better version of yourself.
They're talking about you because they want to live a life like yours. Give them a reason to work for the same.
A few bucks in your pocket will change your attitude towards people completely and that's a lesson you need to learn from life.
If your life surprises you it means you are living to the fullest.
Live your life like no one has ever lived.
Life becomes exactly as you mould it.
You are the one who can colour your life to make it look like a rainbow.
Everything in life is there, you have to get out to experience it.
Life is too short to regret lost opportunities, therefore seize every possibility that comes your way.
Utilise each day as a fresh start and design the life you desire.
Paint the colours that make you joyful on the canvas that is your life.
Life has its ups and downs; accept the adventure and keep going.
Even though life isn't always fair, it's still worthwhile to live it meaningfully.
Being in the present moment is the best approach to enjoy the trip that is life.
Life is too short to harbour resentments and wallow in the past; instead, forgive and move on.
Every encounter is a brushstroke that enhances the painting that is life.
Being perfect is not the point of life; the point is to be genuine and true to oneself.
We only have the present moment, so make it count.
You have to make happiness; it's not something you can just find.
Your attitude affects how high you fly in life.
Success is not final, and failure is not deadly; what matters is the willingness to move forward.
One step is all it takes to go a thousand miles.
The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
Don't let fear hold you back, take the leap and chase your dreams.
You have the power to create the life you want, it all starts with a single decision.
Life is a journey full of lessons, embrace the journey and learn from every experience.
It's not about the destination, it's about the memories you make along the way.
You can't change the past, but you can change the present and shape the future.
Treating life as a gift will help you make the most of it.
The best things in life are experiences and relationships, not goods.
Life is a trip full of surprises; be ready for everything, and take it all in while you can.
Success is more than just achieving goals; it's also about the influence you have on those around you.
Focus on what is actually essential since life is too short to waste time on unimportant things.
Instead than waiting for chances, seize them.
Growing and learning about oneself are ongoing processes throughout life.
Think positively and dream big since your thinking will determine how successful you are in life.
Although life is not always simple, it is always worthwhile.
Life's challenges offer chances for development and education.