"The feeling of empathy is a direct heart to heart contact."
"The feeling of empathy is a direct heart to heart contact."
"Showing empathy towards the inferior to gain fame is no less than a sin."
"The strongest feeling of empathy arises in the hearts of true friends."
"A greedy person never feels empathy towards the poor."
"The feeling of empathy grows in you by moving closer to someone's heart."
"The feeling of empathy will never fade as long as humanity exists."
"Empathy exists in every person's heart but the courage to express it lies in very few."
"Develop the ability to empathize, you will understand people and life eventually."
"When you are down all you need is empathy to push yourself back on top."
"You cannot console someone without being able to empathize."
"Empathizing is not pitiful, it is what some need at the moment."
"Giving sympathy is good but empathy even better."
"Empathy is that feeling which makes you feel the pain when someone else has been hurt."
"Keep a positive thought and stay motivated so you don't let others empathy welcome you."
People who criticize others are the ones who never understood themselves.
When we cannot tolerate disrespect, how can we expect others to do it?
Most people censure others without listening to their complete speech.
Very often people offend the person who supports common people but the empathy in the person's heart stops him from stepping back.
Unless you look down on the dark side you will never understand the problems of the needy.
We were sent on this earth to help each other and grow together.
The love for someone is emphasized by showing how much you care for them.
Just being by someone's side reflects a lot about you.
Empathy is a crucial skill that one needs to have to be able to take control of situations.
Your insights matter the most to the ones who love you.
Feeling of pity is a sign that humanity exists in a positive state
People have suicidal tendencies because they have no one to share their pain and struggles with.
Kindness and empathy are no joke, humans require it and this has to continue.
Opening up to someone isn't easy at all but with empathy it becomes possible.
We aren't ready to express our empathy because we care what others would think about us.
When you master the art of empathizing, you can easily blend in the crowd.
Empathy is the bridge that connects hearts, allowing us to understand each other's journeys and walk hand in hand through life's highs and lows."
"In a world longing for compassion, empathy is the gentle touch that can heal the deepest wounds and mend shattered souls."
"When we embrace empathy, we embrace humanity, breaking down barriers and nurturing a world where understanding reigns supreme."
"Empathy is not merely understanding another's pain; it's the willingness to share the burden, lightening the load for those in need."
"In the silence of empathy, words become unnecessary, for the heart speaks a language that transcends all barriers."
"The greatest gift we can offer is not our possessions but our empathy, as it has the power to touch lives in ways we may never comprehend."
"Empathy is the art of seeing through different lenses, expanding our horizons, and discovering the beautiful tapestry of human diversity."
"In the tapestry of life, empathy weaves the threads of kindness, binding us together in a harmonious symphony of compassion."
"Empathy opens the door to a realm where judgments fade, and understanding takes center stage."
"Empathy is the gentle rain that nurtures the seeds of connection, fostering a garden of harmony in our shared humanity."