"Judge people to improve them, not to humiliate them."
"Judge people to improve them, not to humiliate them."
"When you start judging yourself, it marks the beginning of perfection."
"You say others are nobody to judge, but what if it is you who is wrong?"
"Judge them when you're sure they can't get back at you."
"Don't be a judge when you hear someone else's opinion, do it for yourself."
"When you judge someone you create an everlasting impression about them."
"You don't have the choice to undo when someone chooses to judge you."
"Judging is not a sin unless someone is hurt because of it."
"Has it ever struck you that we never judge the people we love?"
"Quiet people are difficult to judge but great at judging."
"It is not important that what others judge about us is the truth."
"Your judgement is a waste when you utter it with impoliteness."
"People who do bad, cover their faces with masks so that they cannot be judged."
"When you will judge a person, first correct them and then judge them."
"You can't judge the creation of God, it cannot get any better."
"The choice is yours to act good or bad, you think nobody is judging but silently everybody is."
"Each human is born with insecurities and faults so technically we have no right to judge at all."
"Judging someone can be easy but what the person is going through may not."
"When you can't think, the judging remains an option and I don't think that's a good start."
"You'll never know what it is by judging it, you've got to find the answers on your own."
"When you are perfect and others judge you, it does mean that you are imperfect, their judgement also may be incorrect."
"Our judgement about an evil person does not affect the evil at all."
"God is present everywhere, then why do we humans waste our time judging people."
"The common mistake that every human makes is that they go on looks of the person and then judge them."
"We have been thought to judge others but not ourselves."
"Judging someone is the start of sin but correcting someone is the full stop to that sin."
"Successful people are the most judged people in the world."
"Judging people to gain attention has become a common method in this modern world."
"Judge a person when you are brave enough that you can change them."
"Judging a person without knowing the truth can put you in danger."
"I know I'm not perfect, but that does not give anyone the right to judge me."
"Before pointing out fingers at others, make sure that you are doing it for the good of everyone"
"Maybe justice is blind, but the eyes of God aren't."
"When you are judging someone, follow the facts and not your instincts."
"It is not the devil but yourself who misguides the judgements taken by you."
"None other than the mighty God can make the best judgement in the world."
"Even a man with experience can make the most inadequate judgement"
"Judge a man by his actions, and you will never be wrong."
"It is you who lets the negative emotions sweep into your heart, and you end up making the wrong judgement."
"If you start judging everything in the world, you will find out that your whole life was a lie."
"Your wrong judgement can become a reason for another man's obscenity."
"I started succeeding in life when I stopped paying attention to what others thought about me."
"Corruption has reached its peak, as even justice can be bought with money."
"You make the worst judgement by thinking of death as a solution to all your miseries."
"Hatred is one of the obstacles which prevents people from taking the right decision."
Let the judges judge, you need to focus on the performance.
It's always the innocent ones that are judged for doing the right thing.
They don't know the reality so they choose to judge you.
Don't hate the people who judge you instead, prove them what you're capable of.
Don't judge but appreciate what they have to show you.
We judge too quickly and desperately while we ourselves aren't perfect.
Just when you think that you found the right way there will be people waiting there to judge you.
Judgements will follow you even if you move a hundred miles towards any direction.
You know you're done when your friends start to judge you.
You have got to be strong when they try to judge you and tear you into pieces.
Your home is probably the only place where nobody will judge you.
Voice your opinions, show them that it's their thoughts that need judging.
Struggles prove that no matter how hard people judge there's always hope.
If judging people brings you happiness you're not living life right.
If that's what you want to do then so be it, don't believe in anyone else's opinions.
A judge's duty is to weigh the evidence, not to pass judgement on parties.
It's simple to judge people, but a good judge considers all the evidence and looks past the obvious.
How a person treats others with fairness and respect, not how they judge them, is the true test of their character.
It's a surefire way to miss the truth and commit injustice to judge people based on stereotypes and assumptions.
A good judge understands that the truth is frequently complicated and necessitates meticulous analysis of all the evidence.
Instead of passing judgement on people, we should try to understand them because compassion and justice are built on understanding.
Understanding people needs empathy, tolerance, and an open mind; judging them is simple.
Regardless of a person's history or circumstances, a competent judge treats everyone with dignity and respect.
We should judge people based on how they handle faults and work to put things right rather than their mistakes itself.
A judge who makes decisions about people based on their gender, ethnicity, or appearance is not a good judge; they are biassed.
We must constantly exercise caution when passing judgement on others because we can never fully understand their difficulties and problems.
To ensure impartiality and fairness, a judge must be able to evaluate their own biases and self-reflect.
Judges who uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics are better able to uphold the law and serve justice.
A good judge strives for perfection by continuously honing their skills despite knowing that perfection is unattainable.
A judge is more likely to render fair and just judgements if they are willing to acknowledge their own limitations and biases.
Judging oneself can be a powerful tool for growth and improvement, and the same is true of judging others.
A judge can better understand the complexities of human behaviour and make more informed decisions when they are aware of their own shortcomings.
A judge must practise self-reflection in order to maintain objectivity and make fair decisions.
The pursuit of perfection is honourable, but as a judge, it's critical to keep in mind that the law needs interpretation and analysis.
A judge who judges themselves harshly is more likely to approach their work with a sense of humility and fairness.
A judge who judges themselves is demonstrating self-awareness and a commitment to lifelong learning.
The ultimate duty of a judge is to maintain the credibility of the legal system and make sure that the law is implemented fairly and justly.
Judging others without considering the facts is like throwing a dart into the dark - you never know where it's going to land.
Justice is a complex and nuanced process, not a one-size-fits-all answer, as a good judge is aware of.
The best judges possess a strong sense of empathy and understanding for those who stand before them.
For individuals who have been harmed, a fair and impartial judge can restore their faith in the legal system.
A sign of emotional intelligence and maturity is the capacity to judge a situation fairly and objectively.
As a judge, it's crucial to keep in mind that every choice you make has a significant impact on people's lives.
We should try to judge others fairly, compassionately, and with an open mind.
The responsibility to the people they represent is never forgotten by a good judge.