"Yoga is a flame when you light it up, the glow never fades away."
"Yoga is a flame when you light it up, the glow never fades away."
"Yoga enhances eternal happiness and strength."
"Yoga makes us find the peace which lies within us."
"One of the methods to stay fit is by practicing yoga."
"The highest guise of peace of mind can be attained with yoga."
"Yoga has the power to reconstruct a person completely."
"Anything you do to stay attentive and healthy is yoga."
"There is no single day that is unfit for practicing yoga."
"Ignoring yoga is like ignoring one's own relaxation."
"The best time to think about ourselves is while practicing yoga."
"Yoga not only brings our body in shape but also brings our life in shape."
"If you practice yoga in the morning you stay active throughout the day."
"Practicing yoga daily will relieve your stress."
"With yoga, you can learn yourself as well as your body."
"Practicing yoga enhances your flexibility."
"You don't have control over your outer self but you can surely control your inner self."
"Practicing yoga keeps your mind calm and helps you make decisions easily."
"Taking care of yourself by practicing yoga can change the way you perceive things."
"Yoga helps you understand yourself and realize your capabilities."
"Practicing yoga can help you live in the moment, the place where you live on your own decisions."
"When you are down, try yoga, it will keep you in a state where you can manage any situation."
"Everyone wants to live more, with yoga you can make it possible."
"The more you practice yoga, the more you will be stable and sensible."
"What you don't need is stress and discomfort, but what you need is yoga."
"Life is so full of disturbing events and tragedies that only yoga can revive."
"Practice yoga with your own will and you will find out that yoga is the best natural medicine."
"Yoga cannot be practiced without keen concentration."
"The yoga exercise which we eliminate is the most important one."
"Yoga does not waste our time, it increases our lifespan by keeping us healthy."
"Yoga benefits our body through movements and our minds through silence."
The only way to look into yourself is by performing yoga.
The easiest way to transform yourself is by exercising yoga.
Yoga makes a person improve both mental health and physical health.
Avoiding yoga is not going to do anything better in your life.
Meditate with complete focus, and you will have a peaceful mind.
Yoga helps you in overcoming all your discomforts and also helps to cope with challenges.
You will realise the benefits of yoga once you stop practicing it.
Start exercising yoga, and it will help you in relieving body pain and stress.
The perfect body structure can be achieved by yoga.
Every time I perform yoga, it calms my mind.
I feel that yoga has the power to purify the soul.
Yoga teaches you to increase your power of concentration.
Yoga helps in clearing all the obstacles of stress from your mind.
Meditation will help you in learning more about yourself.
Yoga helps in reducing the risk of acquiring diseases.
Performing yoga gives such an intense feeling and nothing can match that.
Yoga is not just exercises, it's a complete guide to a healthier life.
Before I started yoga I felt impure but now I'm proud of what I am.
Let others know the benefits of yoga, why keep something good all to yourself?
Perform yoga when in stress or under pressure, you'll find your answers right away.
I never thought I'd feel so good before I knew yoga existed.
If you wanna live healthy then yoga is the key.
You're losing nothing in trying yoga, but you'll gain everything from it.
Eat, sleep, enjoy and most importantly don't forget to perform yoga.
I can't think of how life would be if I never performed yoga.
Yoga is complex for a reason, good things don't come to you easily.
The more time you put into yoga the better your future is going to be.
Concentration is the most important part in yoga and that's what carries a person forward.
Peace of mind and body is necessary for all, that's where yoga plays its part.
Live with yoga and life would want you to live itself more.
Yoga pushes your limits in addition to your physical capabilities.
The beauty of yoga is to "inhale the present, exhale the past.
The finest aspect of yoga? No pricey attire or accessories are required. Just arrive wearing your preferred leggings and take a deep breath.
Yoga teaches us how to breathe through challenging poses and challenging times in life.
Yoga makes you more aware of the fact that your thoughts rather than your body is the main barrier.
Finding the rhythm in a yoga class is like finding peace and balance in life.
Yoga is about the journey within, not just the poses.
A cup of tea and a yoga flow are the ideal ways to start your day.
Yoga is a compass that points you in the direction of your authentic self.
Yoga is about what you learn on the way down, not about touching your toes.
Rolling out your yoga mat and taking a few deep breaths is the best way to find your centre.
Yoga is the art of bringing awareness and purpose to each moment.
The beauty of yoga is that it takes you from where you are to where you need to be, said someone.
Yoga is similar to dancing with the universe, with each breath representing a move in the dance of life.
Yoga is the ideal way to revitalise your mind, body, and soul.
Yoga is not just about touching your toes; it's about touching your soul.
Yoga wakes you up and makes you feel alive, much like a nice cup of coffee.
Yoga is the perfect excuse to wear stretchy pants all day.
Yoga is not about being perfect, it's about being present.
Yoga is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're going to get, but it's always sweet.