"Think positively you will never lose because positivity always wins."
"Think positively you will never lose because positivity always wins."
"I will write my own luck and have all the happiness in it."
"If I am going to decide my feelings, then why don't I just decide to be happy."
"You are the biggest motivator for yourself, others can sometimes be your medium."
"To get respect and happiness, respect others. Not just the elders, but also your youth."
"Positivity is to find goodness even in bad condition."
"Stop overthinking, it leads to negativity, just think positive and be positive."
"Positivity brings happiness and negativity gives sadness, the choice is yours."
"Everything looks beautiful with positivity in mind, so stay away from negativity."
"Problems occur only for short periods so stay strong until then."
"You will have no regrets with a positive mind."
"If you can take the first step then you can climb the mountain."
"Today this world tells you, one day it will listen to you."
"Do not compare the things you have with others, you will be happy."
"What we think can be our future, negativity in our mind can ruin the future."
"Sit back, relax, now put all the negativity in the trash. "
"The secret behind any achievement is Positivity"
"Positive and Negative are twins, the same but different. One can find the difference by being Positive."
"A positive vibe can sort all of your problems."
"If you wish to explore yourself then do it with negativity out of your mind!"
"The unheard sound that people hear around you and get attracted to you is the sound of your positivity."
"Smile in front of a mirror. If you have the ability to make yourself smile then why not attempt to make the whole world smile!"
"Taking a joke as a joke is not positivity. Taking criticism as a challenge is positivity."
"If you are pleased with yourself then you have won the game."
"I walked the street of uncertainty until I met the possibility of self-belief."
"You will start having productive results only when you replace your negative thoughts with positive ones."
"If you want to become, great start taking advice from highly experienced people."
"You cannot recover what you have lost, but you can win in future if you stop grieving on the things that you lose."
"By focussing on the positive, you can live to the fullest."
"Always find possible ways to turn a negative situation into a positive situation."
"You can succeed in any interview if you have a positive mindset."
"If your attitude is positive, you can win everyone's heart."
"You cannot achieve success without passing through failure."
"Being positive always is equal to being a perfect human being."
"By having a hard life, you learn to handle any situation without any tension."
"Problems fade away when you start facing them with positivity in your soul."
"All the geniuses in the world had to face difficulties before they proved themselves correct."
"When you start being brave, your strength and smartness increase by themselves."
"Sharing your worries with close ones is the best way to lessen your pain."
"Things seem to be impossible before you attempt to try them."
Negative thinking will ruin you to the extent that you will not even realize it.
By turning down a great opportunity, you lose all the positivity in you.
The greatest failure is when you do not attempt things because of the fear of failure.
Enthusiasm in your work can enrich your body with positive energy.
Always think positive, as negative thoughts make you think the things that are never going to happen.
Maintain the positive energy in you as you will require it in your bad times.
Having optimistic thoughts can benefit you by easing your career.
Your thoughts play a significant role in your life, so think wisely.
Do not wait for opportunities to knock on your door, as your roommate may receive the door and take your chance.
Put an end to your misery by fabricating a positive character.
Positivity is an emotion that keeps us warm and loving.
Stay positive in the toughest times because positive hopes will never let you down.
A unique and positive attitude is admired by the whole world.
Being positive always can keep your mind away from depressing thoughts.
You will lose your mind when things go wrong but there's always a positive side to a bad situation.
Learn to give positive feedback when you like something, everyone loves appreciation.
Wake up with positivity on your head and spend the rest of the day with ease.
Lies will pull you closer to the negative side where all you will see is darkness.
There is good and bad, positive and negative, you've got options for how you want to spend your life.
Your days are numbered so drown in positive thoughts before you leave forever.
You can't always be fine, times are rough but there is always a brighter path ahead.
Life will break you and spoil you but hold on to the positive side because good things take time.
Spreading love and positivity should be the ultimate goal.
My negative thoughts resulted in sleepless nights and that pulled me away from positivity.
Get lost in positive imaginations because life can get better.
You need people in life who support you and push you forward to achieve what others think is impossible.
Your days can be tough but keep your mind calm, sleep with a positive head and wake up stress-free.
Taking precautions is good but being positive about it is even better.
How positive you are defines how strong your faith is.
Be aware, be strong, be positive and hang on, you're almost there.
They have got a lot to say about your success, what they don't know is that positivity is the key.
Don't let the evil in you take away your happiness, let your positive attitude kill the evil.
You are broken and have scars, you regret not living the positive side of life.
Trust yourself and your instincts, that's how you start thinking positively.
They left you because they didn't deserve you, let your success and positivity make them regret it.
Have faith in who you are and all you are. Recognise that you possess a force greater than any difficulty.
Make positive thinking a habit since it can transform your entire life.
Every day is a new opportunity to be happy, so make the most of it."
You have the ability to design the life you desire. So why not design a joyful one?
Spreading positivity is contagious, so do it everywhere you go.
There is opportunity amid every adversity.
Creating your future is the best way to predict it,
Happiness is not a prefabricated state. It results from your own deeds.
Only our present-day doubts will prevent us from realising our dreams for the future.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy each and every minute.
"Positive thinking breeds positive results."
"When you focus on the good, the good gets better."
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it's the courage to continue that counts."
"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things."
"The more positive your thoughts, the more positive your life will be."
"Life is a gift, embrace it with open arms and a positive attitude."
"You can't change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails to reach your destination."
"Your positive attitude can change the world around you."
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do."
"Don't let yesterday take up too much of today."
Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.
Overcoming challenges gives life meaning, according to the saying "Challenges are what make life interesting."
good thoughts, good attitude.
Optimism is the belief that produces success. Without hope and confidence, nothing can be accomplished.
There are 1,440 minutes in a day. Thus, there are 1,440 chances each day for us to have a beneficial impact.
There is more to celebrate in life the more you praise and celebrate your life.
Positive attitudes produce positive deeds, which produce favourable outcomes.
The only place where your dreams become impossibly impossible is in your own thinking.
Spread positive energy wherever you go. It is contagious.
Positive thoughts draw positive experiences and positive people, the saying goes.