"The earth tries to heal itself but humans do not allow it."
"The earth tries to heal itself but humans do not allow it."
"Not only humans but even the earth have the right to live."
"We can still save this earth but our acts are not letting us do."
"If you cannot help earth grow, you get no right to benefit from it."
"God created the earth to satisfy human's need and not his greed."
"The earth is so kind to us, even when we are destroying it, it's sheltering us."
"Pollution is not a threat to the earth, its a threat to the people living on it."
"If you think that earth is happy to have humans on it, then you are mistaken."
"It is us who are benefitting from the earth, so it's our responsibility to save it."
"The earth never leaves us, it is us who are planning to leave it."
"Heaven and earth are two different places, do not waste your time finding heaven on earth."
"Earth was made for all of us, no person alone can rule it."
"No person on earth is inferior, it is his thought that makes him feel it."
"We are living on this earth as if there is a planet B."
"The earth is getting uglier day by day because its nature is being destroyed"
"The earth is filled with filth, money is the greatest of them all."
"If we humans won't save the earth, we ourselves will have to pay for it."
"Technology is helping people grow, not the earth."
When we spend time with nature, it is not to be counted as a waste of time.
When you plant a tree, plant with a motive of contributing to the world.
The different seasons on earth remind us that situations cannot always be the same.
There is no use of a beautiful house if you do not have an endurable planet to live on.
The purpose of science should be how to preserve nature and not how to destroy it.
Unless you change your thoughts, you will never be able to change the world.
Even if there are chances of human survival on Mars, never forget that a stepmother cannot love us as much as our mother.
If you want to achieve success in this world, you need to forget giving up.
Nature tries to help us in every possible way, but we humans try to destroy it in every possible way.
Nothing other than nature can give you the best refreshment.
Unless the whole world comes together, no change could be brought in this world.
A world without humans would be empty but preserved.
The Earth is more than just our home; it's a canvas filled with marvels that nature's artistry has painted.
A treasure trove of beauty lies beneath our feet, an Earth that whispers its secrets through every rustling leaf.
Every species contributes a crucial note to the intricate symphony that is life on Earth.
We find comfort in nature's embrace because the Earth's arms are open wide enough to hold everyone who needs safety.
The lines of old trees and the ripples of peaceful lakes are where the stories of the Earth are recorded.
The Earth is a repository of knowledge, and every rock, river, and mountain contains stories about the passage of time.
Every sunrise on Earth signals the beginning of a new chapter, a blank canvas ready for the strokes of life.
The beauty of the Earth serves as a reminder to value and safeguard the priceless gift that has been bestowed upon us.
The Earth whispers its love songs to those who listen, with every gust of wind and every caress of the waves.
The Earth is a mosaic of various landscapes, serving as a reminder that harmony can be achieved when unity and variety coexist.