"I have everyone even though I am alone because everyone is not my only one."
Lonely quotes
"I have everyone even though I am alone because everyone is not my only one."
Lonely quotes
"My loneliness is due to people around me who do not understand me."
"One good thing about being alone is that I have so much time for myself."
Loneliness quotes
"I am lonely, it doesn't mean that I am alone, it means that I do not have the company I want."
"Loneliness is when you start talking to yourself because no one is there to listen to you."
"Having everyone, sometimes like having no one , this is when you feel lonely."
Quotation on loneliness
"I am alone and this loneliness is killing me."
"People think that I am alone but I have the greatest support from myself."
"Being alone is good but being lonely is the worst."
Lonely quotations
"Loneliness can make you develop into a strong person."
"People around me are not right for me, so I am alone in the crowd."
"I decided to be alone because I could not give others a chance so that I would feel lonely."
Feeling lonely quotes
"Loneliness is not caused by others, it is when your mind tells you that nobody cares about you."
"From your perspective, I am happy and I have everyone but from my point of view, I am sad and lonely."
"There is a big difference between lonely and alone, when you feel lonely you are sad but when you are alone you can spend time with the most amazing person in the world and that is you."
Sad lonely quotes
"It is up to you whether you want to be part of the crowd or walk alone on the way to find your own identity."
"Turn your loneliness into your strength."
"You can either bother to be alone or learn something beyond one's imagination."
Sad and lonely quotes
"You have to be you first, then someone else."
"Creativity comes from loneliness."
"If you have no purpose in life, soon you will feel lonely."
Depressed lonely quotes
"Loneliness gives you the vision to see in which direction your life is moving."
"You have to be alone to be with you."
"The more you stay alone the stronger you become"
Feeling loneliness quotes
"The best thing about being alone is that you can feel your thoughts."
"People who live alone are getting stronger for the future."
"A lone wolf is not lonely just alone."
Lonely and depressed quotes
"The crowd that makes you lonely is not what you deserve."
"If you make friends with yourself then you will never be lonely"
"The main reason for loneliness is when people around you break your trust."
Pain loneliness quotes
"Lonely thoughts were developed when I started understanding people around me."
"Isolating oneself is the first step a person takes when life is falling apart."
"Stop being lonely by going back to the people who hurt you."
Quotes sadness loneliness
"I quit being sad in life but loneliness follows."
"You get lonely when you lose strength to cope with fake people."
"The absence of happiness is felt when you are alone."
Feeling alone and lonely quotes
"I enjoyed being lonely when the crowd around me started showing their true faces."
"Loneliness is worth it when people around you are worthless."
"The pain that you feel when the person whom you love the most leaves you is the pain of loneliness."
Lonely and hurt quotes
"Universally popular people are more prone to be lonely than ordinary ones."
"Accept the truth that no matter how much you are surrounded by people, the end will always be loneliness."
"It is an ugly reality that if you try to be right then you are always left alone."
Heart touching lonely quotes
"As soon as I left the crowd, I met the person who could understand me way better than anyone. And that was me."
"Being alone is not bad until you are happy."
"Loneliness and all is fine but the emptiness is what I am afraid of."
Being lonely quotes
"I like being in the crowd that makes me forget my loneliness."
"You can find yourself when you are completely alone."
"You must be alone to explore within yourself."
Lonely life quotes
"Loneliness makes you strong and weak at the same time."
"Loneliness is a weapon for writer and singer."
"Sometimes being alone is the world's worst feeling."
Lonely night quotes
"You are the best company for yourself."
"I just wanna hug someone."
"Beautiful souls often talk to themselves."
Alone but not lonely quotes
"A sad soul hides behind a happy face."
"To be real you need to be alone."
"Being on your own makes you realize your strengths and weaknesses."
Alone loneliness quotes
"Wanting to be alone constantly can put you in pain."
"Loneliness is a lack of purpose, not the company."
"Loneliness helps you appreciate the beauty of nature."
"Finding peace in loneliness will never exhaust you."
Short lonely quotes
"Loving your solitude will teach you the meaning of life."
"Realizing self-worth comes from paying attention and being alone."
"Breaking your solitude lets you explore the world."
Lonely quotes for him
"Isolation can seldom be a benevolent companion."
"Lonely souls are very difficult to break through."
"You can think of the greatest ideas only when there is no one to disturb you."
Lonely quotes for her
You learn to observe everything around you only when you have no one to talk to.
I love my lonely hours as I spend them talking to nature.
If you want your dream to come true you need to take some steps alone.
Searching for happiness in others is the only wrong I did and I realised it when I was lonely.
Sometimes the loneliness inside me becomes the reason for my anger.
I think of all the times I was alone and realise now I've got someone but I'm not happy like before.
I felt empty and alone, first I thought I needed someone, now I've realised I am all I need.
It's so silent in the dark woods, the loneliness is what I crave for eternal peace.
The only problem I had with people was that they called me when they needed me, now I'm all by myself and they realised how much they need me.
Maturity is when you realise you just need yourself to get what you want.
I like being lonely, it keeps me away from people who don't deserve me.
Being by yourself gives a different feeling, it feels like living life in a movie.
The loneliness brought darkness in my life but the lesson I learnt was worth it.
Life is best when spent with someone, living alone feels like a nightmare.
Some dream to live alone and be by themselves because of the freedom it gives to men.
You don't need anyone to be there for you, a man is enough for himself.
The truth is that people are afraid to live on their own and that's why they are in search of love.
Being alone is a better choice because you have nobody else to worry about but yourself.
It is never easy in the beginning but loneliness teaches you a new way of living life.
Never stay lonely only because you cannot face reality.
Try to make new friends as staying alone can harm you.
You will be lonely forever if you do not trust anyone.
Listening to music will never make you feel lonely.
A single hug from a loved one can take away all the fear of loneliness.
If you cannot concentrate on your work because of people, take a break and find remedies for your difficulties by yourself.
Do not let your work be a reason for your loneliness.
If you make people know your worth, you will never be lonely.
When you can take away nothing from the world, what is the point in collecting wealth and not using it?
Some people say sorry even when they are right because they fear ending up lonely.
Do not let things fall apart, as there will be none to support you.
One of the most frightening thoughts is the thought of being lonely.
If you look only for your satisfaction, there will be no one who will like you.
It is not the pain of memories that hurts but the pain of loneliness.
Having the wrong friends will lead to disappointment, and that will ultimately lead to loneliness.
Start loving people from your heart, and you will never be alone.
Live alone rather than begging people to stay with you.
Some people stay lonely by thinking of themselves as superior.
Staying lonely feels good, but it never feels right.
You learn your greatest mistakes when you are lonely.
I prefer staying alone rather than staying with awful people.
Take time, stay alone and prepare for the unfortunate times.
Staying lonely is better than being surrounded by fools.
Learn to keep people's secrets, and you will never be lonely.
Alone you can do what you didn't when you were with them.
Being alone takes courage and that will drive you forward.
Loneliness forces us to take extreme steps so think with a cool mind.
I'm alone and broken but my will power is strong enough.
You were alone before your success so what are these new people doing in your life now?
You need the people who supported you when you were feeling lonely, they deserve everything you can do for them.
Loneliness is not always bad but sometimes it can destroy you from within.
If you believe in God you'll know that you are never alone wherever you go.
You'll get used to loneliness once you believe that it's better to be alone than with people who can betray you any time.
In the end you'll only have your family when you feel alone, the rest never cared enough to know you.
You walk alone and see darkness all around, you are not weak, you're just learning to live alone.
Being lonely isn't that bad if you think in terms of self development.
Staying alone will make you independent, you need no one and that's the end of it.
There's no use of having crowds around you when you know that all you'll have when you die is yourself.
Ask the lonely ones how difficult it is to not have anyone by your side.
Being alone for a long time will affect your mental health harshly.
Being alone has its positive side, you move away from materialism.
Loneliness is mostly the cause of depression so finding the right people will keep you mentally stable.
You're anxious when alone because your mind needs someone to console you that everything will be fine.
If you're confident to walk alone nobody can stop you from reaching your goal.
A lonely man has more experience in life than a man living around people.
Keep pets if you're alone, a dog is surely a better company than an unreal friend.
When you go through all the struggles alone there can be no stronger person than you.
A lonely soul in a dark world has to get through life to see brightness.
Some like to be on their own and explore the world without taking anyone else's opinion.
Spending some time alone could give solutions to most of your problems.
I learnt to care about myself when I had no one to ask for help.
Do not surround yourself with evil people as in the end you will be left with nothing.
Do not think of loneliness as a disease as sometimes it can cure most of the diseases.
I love to remain lonely because I find peace when there is silence
The advantage of being alone is that you need not share your secrets with anyone.
I love loneliness because I get to control everything around me.
I do not get attached to people because I know that I will be ending up alone.
I think the best cure for tension is listening to music with no one around you.
A smile can cheer you up when you feel lonely.
You can start having fresh thoughts only when you are alone.
Loneliness is not the absence of people, but rather the absence of meaningful connections.
Loneliness need not necessarily follow from being alone. What hurts the most is having the impression that you are undesired. At times, you are the hardest person to be around.
When you are alone, you are both the prisoner and the jailer, just like in a cell.
The worst kind of loneliness is being surrounded by people but feeling like no one really gets you.
The knowledge that only you can satisfy your loneliness is the darkest aspect of being alone.
Loneliness is an inner scream that is silent.
There are times when it's preferable to be alone rather than with someone who makes you feel alone.
Loneliness is like getting lost in an endless maze of darkness.
Even the most resilient souls can be broken by loneliness since it is such a great burden.
Loneliness is a cruel reminder that we are all just human and need someone to lean on.
The loneliest people are often the kindest, because they know what it's like to be alone.
The worst thing about loneliness is feeling like you don't matter to anyone.
Loneliness is a wound that never fully heals, a constant ache in the heart.
Being lonely is like being the last leaf on a tree, waiting to fall off.
In a crowded room, sometimes the loneliest person is the one who is smiling the most.
Loneliness is the feeling of being stranded in the middle of an ocean, with no one to turn to for help.
Loneliness is not a lack of people, it's a lack of connection.
Sometimes the loneliest place is inside your own head.
Loneliness is a cold and bitter companion.
"The greatest tragedy of loneliness is the sense of hopelessness it can bring."
"Loneliness is a constant battle between the heart and the mind."
"In the midst of loneliness, even the smallest connection can feel like a lifeline."
"Loneliness is the emptiness left behind by the absence of love."
"The loneliest people are the ones who know what it's like to have everything, but still feel empty inside."
"Loneliness is a longing for something that you cannot name."
"Being lonely is like living in a world without color."
"The only thing worse than being alone is feeling alone in a relationship."
"Loneliness is a disease that infects the soul."
"Loneliness is a prison made of your own thoughts."