"I have an attitude because I have earned it."
"I have an attitude because I have earned it."
"I never explain myself because I know that I made no mistake."
"My attitude may vary after looking at your attitude."
Top Attitude Quotes
"My perception is different so my attitude is different."
"There are different ways of doing the same thing, the way I chose is my decision."
"My attitude towards you is completely up to you."
"I am always ready to take responsibility for my doings."
"Your attitude is your point of view towards people and things."
Short Attitude Quotes
"I got what people like me were still dreaming, that's why they hate me."
"I don't let others make decisions for me because I know that I have to face the situation."
"People can judge you by your attitude, do not let your attitude come under the influence of others."
"Your character makes your attitude so your attitude can define your character."
"I have both a positive and negative attitude, it depends on people for what they deserve."
"If you can't change something you don't like then change your attitude."
Positive Attitude Quotes
"If you take me seriously then I am perfect for you but if you take me as a game then I will make rules to play it."
"A kid must be taught to have a good attitude towards all before admitting to school"
"A king remains king not when he acts like a king but behaves like one."
"Life hitting hard is not a problem. The problem would be if you have the attitude of not taking it seriously."
"Changing attitude is the only key to deal with change."
"Happiness can be born in you if you govern your attitude in the right way."
"The way you wear a correct dress for any occasion, the same way you must have correct attitude to handle any situation."
"It doesn't matter how big your success is. What matters is, the attitude you carry when you are unsuccessful."
Best Attitude Quotes
"Your attitude should not depend on your feeling but your feeling should depend on your attitude."
"Time may be tough for certain situations but never fail to show a positive attitude."
"We always plan to stay positive until our ego takes over."
"Success can be achieved only with a positive attitude."
"If you want to evidence a change in your life then change your attitude towards life."
"One cannot stay alive forever. But one can stay in the hearts of many just by being kind."
"Learn to live with the attitude that suits best not only for you but also for people around you."
Attitude Quotes for Girls
"Wake up with an attitude of changing your dreams into reality."
"Have faith and belief in your work because the result of your work is all that remains when you are not around."
"Do such work that people in your life should feel proud of themselves that they have you in their life."
"Too much of self-pride in a man can kill his mojo of success."
"Being bold is not the only thing required to take bold decisions, one needs to have patience too."
"Abolishing the fear of failure must be your initial step before you set on the path of success."
"Be optimistic about your pessimistic thoughts too. Only then you are a completely optimistic person."
"Don't love the darkness in you so much that you forget to love yourself."
Attitude Quotes for Boys
"Time has faith in us. If not, then it wouldn't make itself available to us."
"Treating with a bad attitude will only decrease the people in your life who might help you with your success."
"Attitude is just a way of thinking. So change your thought process if you wish to change your attitude."
"Even a little bad attitude can make a bad difference."
"You can achieve something better with an attitude of gratitude."
"Have your attitude at such an altitude that it doesn't suffocate others."
Best Attitude Quotes
"Kind attitude can only hurt those who are afraid of kindness."
"Make others feel your attitude and not just words."
"Maintaining your attitude may be difficult but not impossible."
"Your attitude can only be seen through your actions."
"The end result of any of your task depends purely on the attitude you had at the beginning of that task."
"Having correct attitudes for every situation in life will help you deal with those situations with ease."
"With a right mental attitude, you will be unstoppable in achieving your goals."
"Mark the day when you take complete responsibility for your actions. It will be the day when you have reformed into an adult."
"Be happy even for those who wish unhappiness for you. This will be the first step towards the positive attitude."
"Show people the attitude that you expect them to show you."
"Brain of an enthusiastic person can never grow old."
"Even if it is hard, be kind, and do right."
"Don't expect goodness from a person with a bad attitude."
"A bad attitude is a sign of negativity."
"Attitude matters only when others care."
"Life has turned out to be tough but my attitude towards dealing with it has become tougher."
"Your attitude can be felt by others just by the way you smile at them."
Thoughts on Attitude
Winning or losing doesn't matter. Having the right attitude for these situations is important.
If darkness takes control over your heart, then light the torch of a positive attitude.
To respect yourself, first, start respecting others. Your attitude towards yourself will automatically change into respect.
Have pride in yourself only if you are noble, humble, and kind.
The way you deal with your life inculcates the same type of attitude in you.
A positive attitude towards your life can make things easier.
Virtuous people judge you by your attitude, not by your looks.
A pleasing attitude can turn an enemy into a friend.
Reveal the true attitude of yours when people around you are mean.
Your attitude changes depending on your current situation.
Quotations on Attitude
Express your attitude but not by hurting other people's feelings.
Ignoring people is not a part of your attitude but a part of your cowardness.
You give people a bad impression about your attitude by acting weird.
Your attitude is useless if you do not have affection for people.
A person can face many problems if he does not develop an attitude.
Make yourself better to the extent that people learn you from your character.
You will definitely screw up things if you try to duplicate the attitude of others.
You will end up being lonely by having a rude attitude.
Having the right friends will help in developing an upright attitude.
The attitude of an honest man is the greatest of all attitudes.
Society never accepts people who have an impolite attitude.
Attitude Quotes in English
Use your attitude as a weapon to save humanity.
Many people forget their true identity in search of a great attitude.
Make friends who treat you with a heartening attitude even when you are at your worst.
It is easy to attract people when you have the right attitude.
Attitude is one of the characteristics that differentiate you from others.
Attitude is very effective in catching other people's attention.
By altering your attitude, you can make a difference in your life.
Always make sure that your attitude does not ruin your dignity.
Start working on your attitude and let the outcome speak for you.
Attitude Quotes for Instagram
Your attitude and your mood move along simultaneously so stay calm and stay real.
We judge people by their attitude, not by what they're going through or what they've been through.
If you don't like them don't give it a second thought, they need to match your attitude.
Having a negative attitude will get you more negative things in life.
Kill your attitude, that's what's keeping you from learning the better side of life.
Your circle decides and sets your attitude and that will impact your life accordingly.
Close your eyes, breathe out and flush out the negativity that's been bothering you.
Express your attitude at times but not all the time.
You will miss them after you throw them away with your attitude and regret won't get them back.
The better your attitude is, the better will be the people around you.
Your attitude can either raise a crowd or burn it to ashes. Which one is yours?
You've heard that good things take time but your attitude can do it faster.
Getting better is always a task but with the right attitude you're already halfway there.
Your attitude can crush you, make you or destroy you forever.
People won't mind your attitude until you start minding theirs.
There is hope in that attitude of yours, you can love, attract and give people what they deserve.
A good attitude gives you the power to achieve and explore the depths of the world.
You never know when you need someone so stay down to earth and live without fear.
You are the reason for being what you are, you get to choose how you want to behave and portray your attitude.
The ones who deserve you and need you will break off their attitude for you, if they don't they're not meant for you.
Some show all that grave attitude from the outside but deep inside they're soft and sensitive.
You've got to show them the consequences of taking you for granted else they will keep repeating it.
We have to accept everyone as they are, not everybody has a carefree attitude.
When it gets out of hand let your attitude do the work of getting it back on track.
A forgiving attitude will reserve you a special place in the palaces of heaven.
A little thing called attitude can change your whole life.
Sometimes you can gain excellance only by having the right attitude.
You can self-destruct yourself by having the wrong attitude.
By being too honest, you become more prone to being ditched by people.
The attitude I developed is a result of my success.
The poor are never going to rise up, if you help them every time.
The reason how I became successful is by ignoring my enemies.
Always develop a positive attitude as people with negative attitude do not last long.
Motivating others is not enough to cover up your sins.
You are always responsible for your attitude as people will blame you and not your attitude.
Do not develop an attitude which will ultimately destroy your faith in god.
I have reached this far because I trust actions and not just words.
Sometimes it is not attitude but self-respect that stops you from replying.
I do not care what people think about me because I am busy living my life.
The fire in my eyes prevents most people from challenging me.
When someone asks what's with your attitude just say "I'm at it dude" and move on.
Everybody has an attitude problem but very few learn to master the art of handling it.
Our attitude is often misunderstood for our personality.
Attitude isn't such a bad thing if you show it to the right people at the right time.
My attitude doesn't define who I am, but the people around me do.
If your attitude troubles them, they're not the ones you should hang out with.
When someone shows a bad attitude to you, ignoring is better than arguing.
Sometimes a smile speaks louder than words.
If you made a mistake, accept it and move on. There's no scope for negative attitude in life.
If they talk about you then you should know that your attitude is speaking for yourself.
What you give life, it throws back the same at you. Choose what you think you deserve.
Your closest ones can sense even the slightest change in your attitude.
Living a simple life while being able to afford all the luxuries is the best attitude towards life.
Out of all the things others can see in you they choose to see your attitude and that says a lot.
We choose to show different attitude at home and outside, and that's what we're perceived as by others.
You will never be able to solve a problem if you use the same kind of thinking you used when you created the problem.
The impact of your attitude can have a great effect on others.
If you need to change anything in your life it should be your attitude towards life.
If you want to conquer the world then learn to impress.
If you do not stand for yourself you cannot achieve success.
If I believe that I'm right then I would risk my life to prove it to others.
You need to show a little attitude to come forward in life.
I am neither the sun nor the moon as people can see me throughout the day.
I do not care if people show attitude but I care when people cheat and try to feel superior.
It is never ok to be silent when people try to take away your freedom.
There is only one thing that can determine your success or failure and that is attitude.
If you show attitude towards your loved ones then your relationship won't last long.
What seems fascinating to me is that a small thing like attitude can change the whole perspective of a person.
Never forget that if you do not participate you will never win.
Greediness can take away everything from you including your attitude.
I like my attitude and that's what matters to me.
You don't get to tell me what I need to do, I'm fine on my own.
If life gets difficult I'm going to prove what I'm capable of.
There is a reason behind this attitude of mine and you don't want to know it.
Don't keep expectations, people often let you down when you expect most from them.
If you don't know me then you have no right to judge me.
You hate me in private but I openly don't care about you.
I may not react but it doesn't mean I didn't notice.
I forgive people because I honestly don't care at this point.
If I'm silent then take it as an answer for me not caring to talk to you.
If they don't love you back then it's time to move because you're worth more than you imagine.
All I know is that my opinion matters to myself and I don't care about what others say.
My addictions aren't your business, I know what I do and what I want.
I don't judge anyone because I'm not perfect so if you think you can then think twice.
I have very little patience but I know when to react and when to not.
If my attitude bothers you it's your choice to walk away or go back crawling.
I try to stay as calm as possible but if you talk behind my back I can't hold it anymore.
I don't have room for nonsense except when it comes to my friends.
I'll always be the way I want to be, I don't need to change myself for someone else.
The best way to deal with someone with a bad attitude is to show them who's the boss at the game.
Be kind, be humble and down to earth, having a good attitude reflects your maturity.
We get what we give so keep your attitude within your limits.
You give me the attitude it's your loss, I've got tons of people to talk to while you've got none.
Keep your attitude in your pocket because I don't have time for jokes.
I'm not stupid, if you show me your attitude I just don't care because it's your problem, not mine.
I can pretend as if it bothers me but I don't give my attention to those who don't deserve it.
I don't need unnecessary opinions, if you have something smart I'm ready for a chat.
I've got what you need, so if you want it from me, you're going to have to drop that arrogance.
I used to be humble once, my attitude changed with time because of the people I have to deal with.
If I like your attitude I can give our friendship everything it takes to last forever.
I show attitude because I think my hard work has made me deserve it.
One smile of yours is enough to make your haters jealous.
My attitude is enough to break down all of your egos.
If you mess with me, that will be the last thing you will ever remember.
Think of life with a positive attitude and you will start seeing the positive change around you.
Never approach me if you have not learnt common manners.
Being alone does not mean I have no one to speak to.
It is funny that imperfect people judge my perfect attitude.
I don't break people's trust as I never trust them back.
If you can't handle my attitude then stop being around me.
Ignoring your haters is better than replying to their criticism.
If someone is special to you then don't let your attitude drive them away.
If I ever gave up I would never get to see the haters around me.
I look down on others because I'm on the peak of the mountain.
I am not breakable anymore because I replaced my broken heart with a sturdy rock.
A man of character always reveals in tough times.
Your attitude decides the outcome of every problem in your life. Therefore, buck yourselves up and always stay positive.
If you are following a path of learning, you need to keep your head down and have a humble attitude.
Always keep your arrogance under your sleeve, but never let go of it. Arrogance is necessary to put some people in their rightful places.
Life has always been hard. It's your attitude that determines how easier you make it for yourselves.
You can't have it all in your life. Instead of being dejected, count what all you have. Most people don't have even that much.
If you have a money-minded attitude, you can go fast, but not very far. If you have a learning mindset, you may go slow, but you can go very far.
If you are following a path of learning, you need to keep your head down and have a humble attitude.
Don't work for money. Work for the skill and let money work for you.
There are people who take risks and there are the ones who play it safe. This difference of attitude is the difference between the rich and the poor.
Nobody has ever got anything by sitting at home. Have an attitude of going to any extent to achieve success.
Always enjoy small wins in your life so that you develop a passion for winning.
Have different plans in your head while approaching your destination. A callous attitude can cost you dearly even if you're very near to your destination.
Give everything in the training to take everything from your enemies in the battle.
It is important to have a mentor in life. A mentor always sharpens your attitude and instills you with bravado.
Try to deal with things one at a time. It helps you achieve perfection at any task.
You can try hard to fight time. But if you fix your attitude, time can be your best ally.
If you are not feeling the things working for you in life, keep doing them. You might be closer to a breakthrough.
Have such an attitude that even if the world is against you, God is on your side.
Wars are not won on the battlefield. They are won in the mind with the right attitude.
"Your attitude is like a boomerang, what you throw out into the world will come back to you."
"Attitude is everything, it can make or break your day, your relationships, and your future."
"Your attitude is the paintbrush that colors your world. Choose your colors wisely."
"A positive attitude can turn a storm into a rainbow."
"Your attitude determines your altitude. Aim high."
Avoid picking up someone else's negative attitude. Decide to shine a light in their gloom.
Because it determines your reality, attitude is a choice; make wise ones."
A bad attitude is like a flat tyre; until you change it, you won't go very far.
A grateful mindset can change your entire life,
Your attitude towards failure determines your level of success in life.
Your attitude is the only thing getting in the way of your success.
A positive outlook is like a magnet; it draws happiness and opportunities.
Your attitude is an outward reflection of your inner self, so make sure it's worth reflecting.
A strong, upbeat mindset is capable of moving mountains.
Any obstacle can be overcome with a persistent attitude.