"I am not feeling anything, I am completely empty right now it is making me depressed."
"I am not feeling anything, I am completely empty right now it is making me depressed."
"The sad thing for me is that there is no one for me when I need them."
"My sadness is due to the people around me."
"I'm sad, that doesn't mean I'm weak, I'm strong enough to handle my depression."
"It was my choice to choose between happiness and sorrow and now I am sad because I gave up my happiness."
"I want to sleep until I feel happy because I am feeling unhappy."
"I'm not angry, I'm just sad so leave me alone."
"Sadness is when the reality is contrary to what you expected."
"Rains are my good friends because they don't let others see my tears."
"I don't know the reason for my sorrow, no, I think I don't want to tell you the reason for this."
"I'm sad so don't bother me, I'm busy eating and sleeping, it's my time to rest."
"When I am sad, I want to travel with people who care about me."
"I need a break, no, I'm not sick, I'm just sad."
"Sadness is a part of your life, so don't ignore it because it makes you realize the importance of happiness."
"I am the cause of my sorrow, I really hate myself."
"Sometimes you feel sad for unknown reasons, it is because you are very tired, all you need is a small rest."
"I'm sad that means my true self needs a little break."
"Yes, I have changed because I have suffered a lot."
"If we do not get what we want, it hurts."
"It seems that I am the root of all troubles."
"One has to experience sadness to understand the real meaning of happiness."
"Sadness has its own way of teaching you to live a happy life."
"It is most painful if the reason behind sadness is your loved ones."
"If my being sad is happy for you then I accept being sad."
"Happiness comes with a price but not sadness."
"Sad thoughts in me allow me to strive for happiness."
"A story is not perfect if the characters in it do not encounter sadness and pain."
"Smile even in pain, this will motivate you to move towards happiness."
"Actions taken during pain produce beautiful results."
"Always deal with sadness with positivity."
"Life is unfair to those who do not wish for happiness."
"Sad moments are the result of self-love."
"Don't bother expressing your sadness if you are doing anything to deal with it."
"The weight of happiness is never constant on the scale of happiness and sadness."
"A smile can eradicate sorrow with such an extent that any richness can't."
"Sadness is just the absence of joy. So don't let the joy in you disappear."
"The smile when you are sad talks about your pain better than tears."
"If you don't encounter sadness then you will not value happiness."
"There is no formula to stay happy always. "
"Being immune to sadness is impossible. So we must learn a few things from our sufferings and improve ourselves."
"Life becomes problematic when we start taking it too seriously."
"It is okay to feel sad but wrong not trying to stay happy."
"Don't be afraid of tears. Eyes filled with tears have the capability to see the reality of life."
"The true sadness is what you feel when you are alone."
"One can never deny sadness as it is one of the most important emotions to understand happiness."
"We must prevail over sadness to enjoy happiness."
"Sadness just made me stronger. It could have made me weak but I choose to stay stronger."
"We stay sad until we started missing happiness."
"Don't forget to smile as it is the only thing that will make you happy."
"Shedding tears for others is the result of a pure heart."
It is not necessary that sadness will give you suffering. Suffering comes when sadness is handled badly.
Being pessimistic in sadness will only take you to the depths of darkness.
Even a funny story is not funny without explaining the sadness in it.
Be silent when you are sad and loud when you are happy.
Happiness is a measure of not being sad.
Don't build a wall around yourself to keep the sadness out. This same wall also keeps happiness away.
Being sad is not a choice in your life but a phase of your life.
Emptiness in life can be filled with a garden of joy.
Don't be around people who make you feel miserable. Be around the people who take away your sadness.
Be thankful for whatever situation you are in right now. There will always be people who are less privileged than you.
You will remain sad if you do not wait for good things to happen.
You get to learn your weaknesses when you're sad and lonely.
Staying sad is better than letting people play with your feelings.
Do not expect to stay happy by burying all the negative thoughts in your body.
Others will never understand the reason for your sadness unless you speak out.
Stop comparing yourself with others, as it will increase your sadness.
Unless people see in your eyes, they will never know that you are sad.
Think before you fall in love, as sadness will hit you after your breakup.
If you are the reason for someone's sadness, then it is your duty to make them smile.
You mean nothing to your friends if they cannot console you when you are sad.
Living with uncomfortable people can also become a reason for your sadness.
If you are sad at others' loss, it shows how caring you are.
Stop ignoring people as it can make them feel sad.
Do not deny people's requests directly as it is very upsetting.
Control your anger, as it can make you regret it.
If failure makes you sad, then start working harder.
Sadness can kill you from within, so you need to share the cause for your sadness.
Never make jokes that can upset people and make them start hating you.
Criticism is something that cannot be handled by all.
Make yourself tough so that people's foolishness does not upset you.
If you start thinking positive, sadness cannot affect you.
If anyone treats you harshly, you should not change your character, instead, they should change their attitude.
If you sleep less, you can be more prone to negative emotions.
Prepare yourself for the saddest times as life is unpredictable.
If you start imagining every bad possibility of life, you can never be happy.
Some express sadness to seek attention while others are actually in pain.
Your mood depends on the weather too, sometimes it's great otherwise it's just sad.
Letting yourself remain sad makes you hopeless and lose faith.
Not everybody around us is happy all the time, some know to hold their sadness within themselves.
There's no sadness in paradise but to achieve it you need to go through everything on Earth.
Being sad can drive you crazy and make you do things that you never thought you would.
It is difficult to explain sadness to people who haven't tasted life in reality.
Sad times will come and go but what's written in your fate stays.
They can't see the sadness in your words until they can relate to it.
You can never always be happy in love, sadness gives it taste and emotion.
Listen to songs when you're down, it won't cure but will reduce your sadness.
There are ways to get back with your loved ones and sadness is not a way to begin.
You're unstoppable, kill the sad moments with your strong spirits.
You're alone enough for yourself, leaving behind the people you love adds to sadness.
Stop being sad over stupid things that won't change a thing in your life.
It's annoying to be around sad people because all they talk about is regrets which one shouldn't have to move ahead.
Sadness takes you through so much that you become a completely different person when you're out of it.
Prayers will help you get through the worst times that you couldn't have done alone.
You will recover, you will heal from this sadness, there is always some hope in the hopeless.
Hobbies and interests will keep your mind distracted from the sadness you're going through.
Talk to your friends and family who are going through a bad time, console them and give them the strength to get it together.
Get some sleep, take care of yourself, being wistful will tear you apart.
The truth is bitter and sad but it will help you become a better version of yourself.
Melancholy wouldn't have existed if we were able to rewrite the stars.
I've been there, it was sad but it was worth learning how tough life can get.
Smile is very essential in our life even when you are in pain.
If you do not move on in life then the sadness will make you dull.
Sadness is when you are ignored by a person whom you love the most.
Stop complaining as it will increase your sadness as no one in this world helps without a reason.
Some people stay sad their whole life because they never tried to find happiness.
If you never move forward in life then nothing good will happen as reality never changes.
Money can never take away your sadness, instead it can increase your problems.
The easiest way to overcome sadness is by staying optimistic.
Crying does not solve your problem but it lessens your pain by exhibiting your emotions.
If you let time outrun you, then there will be no other way to live a happy life.
Focus on your problems and see how sadness gets away.
The saddest part of life is that it doesn't wait for you to make a good decision.
Apologising when you are wrong as it will save a lot of trouble.
Life may give you what you expect but never give up by failing once.
Staying worried will do nothing but take away the happiness from your life.
The ones who never left when you were down are the people you should never let go.
Sadness doesn't need a reason, you could be having the best time of your life and still feel sad from within.
None can relate to my sadness, not even the ones who have been through what I have.
It isn't the sadness that's haunting me, it's actually the loneliness that I'm worried about.
It was another sad day and there was nobody to cheer me up.
A sad morning is not something anyone looks forward to but there's always good times and bad times.
My tears meant a lot, maybe not to you but life has become meaningless now.
Nothing seems sad once you learn to be happy on your own.
When sadness prevails on us we forget the things that matter.
Never underestimate anyone, they might be going through something sad we don't know about.
I was taught to not live with jealousy, maybe that's why I don't feel upset.
As we grow up we learn to hide the sadness we feel inside us so that we fit in the group.
Life is a test so live it like you know the answers rather than staying upset for your failures.
I won't deny that I was sad, but I never faked love just to feel loved.
Talking to someone will make it right, sadness is not the answer.
Sadness suffocates the joy and light inside the soul like a thick blanket that weights it down.
Tears are words that the heart is unable to speak.
It is simpler to grin and act as though everything is fine than to acknowledge your internal brokenness.
Heartbreak hurts like a thousand paper cuts, each one a little puncture that gradually drains you of blood.
The bitter taste of loneliness lingers in your tongue and is a difficult pill to swallow.
The worst type of sadness is when you feel isolated among people who are supposed to be your friends.
My tears are like a never-ending river, flowing with the memory of a love that has passed away a long time ago.
The fact that the people you love the most also cause you the most pain might occasionally be the saddest aspect of life.
When all you can feel is the darkness pressing in on you, it might be difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
What if represents a missed opportunity and an unrealized future, making it the saddest phrase you may ever utter.
Only time can start to ease the weight of the sadness that comes with loss.
It can happen that missing someone hurts more than saying goodbye.
The most heartbreaking aspect of betrayal is that your closest allies are seldom the ones who turn on you.
Heartbreak is like an unexpected hurricane that sweeps everything in its path aside and leaves you to pick up the pieces.
Realising that not everyone you love will be in your life forever is the saddest aspect of growing up.
When you're hurting inside, it's difficult to smile, and it's much more challenging to explain why.
Sadness is a great load to carry, but it serves as a reminder that we are all human and have the ability to feel intense emotions.
Being aware that you could never see that person again is the saddest part of saying goodbye.
Sometimes the only sound in the space is stillness, which drowns out any possibility of joy.
A scar that never entirely heals, a broken heart's anguish serves as a permanent reminder of what was and what will never be again.
Sadness is a colorless storm that rages within, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.
The sadness of a goodbye is a bitter reminder that life is fleeting and nothing lasts forever.
When the weight of the world feels too heavy to bear, sadness becomes a refuge.
The saddest part of a love that ends is not the end itself, but the memories that linger long after.
Sometimes the saddest part of life is knowing that you will never get a second chance to make things right.
Sadness is like a deep ocean, with waves of emotion crashing against the shore of your heart.
The pain of a broken heart is like a never-ending symphony, with every note a reminder of what once was.
The saddest part of losing someone you love is knowing that they will never come back.
Sadness is like a winter's night, cold and dark, with no end in sight.
The tears we cry are like tiny rivers that carve a path through our soul, leaving behind a trail of sorrow.