"Wise advice cannot be understood by fools."
"Wise advice cannot be understood by fools."
"The wise do not seek for the wealth, they seek for happiness in life."
"The wise learn mistakes through their defeats."
"I would rather like to have a wise enemy than a friend who speaks senseless."
"The wisest of all is the one who always thinks good of others."
"The fools cannot attain wisdom until they learn from the wise."
"A person never becomes wise until he makes a commitment."
"A person is considered wise by his actions and not through his speech."
"The old people are usually found to be wise, it is because of their experience in life."
"The actions you do today decide what you will be in the future."
"A clown entertains the crowd and the wise stand in the crowd."
"A wise man knows the best moment for a comeback."
"When many wise persons communicate, conservation can turn foolish."
"The wise do not waste their best advice on people who cannot change."
"One cannot be taught to be wise, wisdom comes from within."
"Only a fool can exaggerate how foolishly wise he is."
"Like minds think alike but one wise mind thinks unique."
"Learn and understand yourself first, it marks the beginning of your wisdom."
There are no great achievements which do not include risk.
There are people who change their whole perspective, just by listening to the wise.
The wisest people trust their etiquettes, so they don't have to think twice before making a decision.
Your coming days cannot be decided by what you were in the past.
The greatest difference between the wise and a fool is that the wise think they know nothing and the fool believes he knows everything.
A wise learn more because they never feel shame to learn from others experiences.
A man becomes wise over years of experience, it does not just happen in a moment or when you were born.
If lawyers weren't as wise as they are, the world would have so many criminals.
You don't become wise just by someone saying it, your actions and words define your wisdom.
No one can treat you as a minor unless you yourself will.
The feeling of wisdom is so great that sometimes we forget our actions and emotions.
You can get out of the harshest situation, if you are wise enough to figure it out and escape.
Deep understanding of life is the true measure of wisdom; not the quantity of knowledge one possesses.
In the search for wisdom, it is the questions we ask, not the answers we seek, that lead us to profound revelations.
A wise person knows that mistakes are stepping stones to growth and enlightenment, not stumbling blocks to be feared.
True wisdom is found in the simplicity of living authentically, embracing the present moment with an open heart.
The key to unlocking the universe's riddles is found in nature's harmony, according to the wise.
Wisdom is the lighthouse that illuminates the choppy seas of life, guiding us through the darkest nights.
The wise do not boast of their knowledge but share it humbly, knowing that there is always more to learn.
Wisdom speaks volumes in the silence of introspection, teaching us the art of self-discovery and inner peace.
Every event on the lifelong journey towards wisdom turns into a priceless lesson to treasure.
The interdependence of all beings is recognised by a wise mind, which seeks compassion and understanding in every situation.