"My life without a sister would be miserable."
"My life without a sister would be miserable."
"Sister's are the most arrogant best friends in the world."
"The love of a sister is seen the most when we are in trouble."
"The most pointless and stupid fights arise between a brother and a sister."
"No person on this earth can argue better than sisters."
"Life without a sister is too boring, life with a sister is irritating."
"The sister who complains about the silliest thing is the loveliest sister."
"A sister seems to be the most pretty girl in the world."
"A sister knows you so well that she can make you happy as well as angry."
"Sharing your personal life with your sister could terribly destroy you."
"You feel dull when you have got a peaceful sister."
"The funniest part of our life is when we are said to say sorry to our sister."
"Sister's don't tell you they love you, they quarrel until you get them."
"A sister will go to any length to give you what you deserve."
"Sisters who do your homework are the best."
"If a brother and a sister do not quarrel, then there seems to be some problem."
"Sister's are the one's who share with us everything but show a bitter face as if they hate to share with us."
"Where there are brothers and sisters there is a common habit of blackmailing."
"A sister's love for a brother is no less than a mother's."
"The sister who would complain all day about you will turn into your best friend later."
"When you don't feel alright a little talk with your sis will make your day."
"Your sister is worth more than what you believe."
"What a sister can do for you is innumerable."
"A sister will guide you because she knows what's good for you better than you do."
"You think your sister doesn't know you, maybe you don't know her well enough."
"Sometimes we've got to show our sisters how much we love them too."
"Each time you fight with your sister the bond grows stronger."
"No sister will go against her brother unless he has done something wrong."
"A sister is a support and a backbone who makes you even sturdier."
"We expect a lot from our sisters, maybe that is why we often don't get along very well."
"A sister is that friend of yours who annoys you the most but stays by your side when you are in a problem."
"No force in the world can tear the bond between a brother and a sister."
"The only people with whom I can open up is my mother and my sister."
"The most cheerful moment of my life is the one when I made my angry sister chase me."
"I never give second thought before punching, when someone insults my sister"
"I never felt alone as I had a sister to annoy."
"My sister is the only person who has never left me since childhood."
"You can always be yourself when you have a sister close to you."
"All the light in my life vanished when I lost my beloved sister."
"Even though my sister knew little she taught me everything."
"I imagined my life without my sister, and all I could imagine was misery."
"My sister believed in me, so I could never let her down."
"Sometimes it is not money, but a sister who can let go all our problems."
"It was always my sister who lifted me up every time I fell."
"My sister always understood my pain as we went together through all situations."
She's by your side when you are in need, she helps you in understanding life from a better perspective, that's a sister.
Sisters are fun, loving and generous but pretty hard to understand.
A good sister is like a second mother with the same love and care for you.
Those who don't have a sister will never know the struggle for arguing who is loved more by their parents.
If your sister stops you from something it means you shouldn't do it because she's been through it.
Your sister has your back no matter what the situation is.
With a sister you have a support system who will always be there for you.
A sister can be your friend with whom you can share all your problems without hesitation.
Sisters are special, they make you feel special and at times they annoy you too.
My sister really means the world to me because she showed me the right path when there was no one around.
Having a sister is as important as having a mother, one gives birth and the other shows the way of life.
No friend can do something for you that a sister will.
Having a sister is great but having a friend in your sister, that's a dream.
Siblings fight and argue but, in the end nobody can separate their love for each other.
A sister knows you more than you might know yourself and there's no doubt you can't trust her.
Having a sister is having someone who loves you equally and knows you better than anybody else.
Sisters may quarrel and fight, but they always have each other's back, no matter what.
A sister is an inestimable blessing in every way, a gift from the cosmos.
Sisters might develop in different directions like branches on a tree, but their roots always stay the same.
A source of comfort and delight in every stage of life, a sister's love is a constant in a world of change.
Sisters may have diverse personalities, yet they are united by a shared bond of love and acceptance.
The teasing and humour between sisters is usually done with love and affection.
A sister's love is boundless, unwavering, and always there no matter what.
Sisters have a unique link that is created over the course of a lifetime of shared memories, experiences, and affection.
Sisters are a treasure that only gets more valuable with time, a gift to be treasured.
The love of a sister shines bright even on the darkest of days.
Sisters have an unshakable tie with one another that spans space, time, and even death.
A sister is a partner in crime, a lifelong best friend, and a confidante who will never judge you.
The definition of unconditional love, acceptance, and support is "sisters."
Regardless of what life throws to you, a sister will always have your back.
Sisters are like two peas in a pod, irreplaceable and inseparable.
The love of a sister is a gift that never expires, filling your life with joy, solace, and happiness.
Sisters are the people who always know how to make you smile and who know you better than you know yourself.
A sister is a guardian angel who watches over you, comforts you, and guides you through the difficulties of life.
Trust, loyalty, and unwavering support are the cornerstones of the bond between sisters.
The love of a sister is a lifeline, a source of courage and strength that enables you to face anything that comes your way.
Sisters are the ones who always know how to make you smile and who can make you laugh until your sides hurt.
The affection of a sister is like a warm embrace that envelops you in a sense of safety, love, and belonging.
Sisters are the people who always have your best interests in mind and share all of your secrets, dreams, and anxieties.
A sister's love is like a precious gem, something to be treasured for a lifetime, said someone.
Sisters are the people who can interpret your unspoken words, complete your sentences, and show you unwavering affection.
A sister is a reminder that you are never alone, no matter what life throws at you.
Sisters share a bond that is beyond words; it is an everlasting heart connection.
Sisters always brighten the darkest days, being the sunshine in each other's lives.
The love of a sister is like a warm blanket on a cold night; it gives security and comfort.