"Feel sorrow, but do not get suppressed under it."
"Feel sorrow, but do not get suppressed under it."
"You learn more in sorrowness than in happiness."
"Sorrow brings pain, but getting over it brings happiness."
"Sorrow makes us cold enough to be hated by others."
"Let the sorrow be lost in the smile of the thought of being happy."
"Resisting changes in life only creates sorrow."
"Laugh when you are in sorrow to confuse people who caused it."
"Everyday when I think about us, the sorrow in me grows a little."
"Embracing sorrow is just a choice not compulsory."
"I thought it was fear, but it was not known to me that sorrow looks much like fear."
"Miseries and sorrows come to all, fighting it makes us brave."
"Patience is the finest cure to overcome sorrow."
"The sorrows we survive leads to a better destination."
"Confronting and overcoming sorrows is a great way to relish life."
"Sorrows are the joys of life which makes each human unique."
"It's amazing how pain and sorrow can create a constructive personality."
"Every problem has a solution and the best solution for sorrow is time."
"Having a lot of heart will take you towards the path of sorrow."
If being sad was an option then it would always be unchecked.
Sorrow is as important as happiness in life, without sorrow you wouldn't understand the value of being happy.
Feeling sorrow is different from being oppressed by it. Feel it but don't get oppressed.
Don't worry about the sorrow of tomorrow. Instead strengthen yourself to face and deal with it.
Apologising for crying only makes you tedious.
Do not get disappointed when yelled at. It means there is a chance for progress.
The pureness of heart makes us delighted, the bitterness of mind makes others dismayed.
Fear leads to discomfort, confidence is the key to overcome it.
Being sorrow is not a choice. It is thrust upon you when the loved ones depart you from their hearts.
There are few sorrows in this world that can be healed only in Heaven.
I dreamt the other day that I was drowning into the sea of sorrows but then I realised that I knew to swim in it.
A sorrowful memory is a maze where you will be trapped unless you find the way out.
Someday we will fancy our sorrows and realise how far it helped us through life.
Sorrow is the rain that waters the empathy garden inside of us, nourishing our capacity to comprehend the suffering of others.
Sorrow is the note that gives depth and resonance to the melody of life in the symphony of emotions.
Sorrow is the friend that walks with us through the deepest valleys and teaches us of our own power.
A heart that has experienced sorrow possesses a particular wisdom, an endless well of empathy.
Sorrow is the sculptor that shapes us into resilient beings by carving the valleys and peaks of our character.
Sorrow is the thread that weaves compassion and connection into the tapestry of existence, tying us together in our common humanity.
Empathy paints its masterpiece on sorrow, building bridges of understanding between hearts,
A life devoid of sorrow would be devoid of the hues of sympathy and the strokes of empathy.
Sorrow is the mirror that reflects the strength within us, showing our ability to come out of the depths.
Sorrow is the chapter that teaches us the most profound and transformative lessons in the book of life.