"You need to portray your talents like the multicoloured rainbow."
"You need to portray your talents like the multicoloured rainbow."
"We never know the beauty of the rainbow unless we see it."
"A rainbow requires sunshine and rain to form it. Likewise, humans need courage and love to shape them."
"We cannot expect rainbows to appear in every sad moment of our life."
"Success is like the rainbow, it exposes itself to the people for a short duration and vanishes, and it appears again."
"When we look back in life, the rainbow in front cannot be seen."
"Don't waste your time admiring the rainbow, instead use your time by being the rainbow."
"Rainbow dawns on us the truth that even the good have a fate."
"Bright colors attract humans and bright souls attract the world."
"Without colors life would be so boring, it adds beauty to life."
"Colour has the power to make dull things look attractive."
"Dark represents sorrow and pain so the rainbow represents happiness and joy."
"The rainbow is so beautiful that no matter how bored we are, we can't take our eyes off it."
"The colors in a rainbow are fixed, unlike our thoughts and feelings."
"The rainbow is a lot more than just colors, it enhances the creation of God while it rains."
"The beauty of the rainbow has the power to delight a soul."
"May the good deeds of yours shine like the rainbow and reach the skies high above."
"Like the rainbow, the glow in us does not last forever."
"The closer you move towards the rainbow the farther it gets."
"Be like the rainbow, it's appearance always attracts us."
"Treat your problems like the rainbow it appears and after some time it disappears."
"It needs to rain for the formation of the rainbow and it requires happiness to create a beautiful atmosphere."
"Rainbows are like little babies, they are beautiful and admired."
"The longer the arc in the rainbow, the more beautiful it looks. This defines a lot about life."
"The sight of a million colors can make someone's day."
"You find some colors better than the others because of what they express."
"The choices we make on objects are guided because of the colors it bears."
"If you have a good choice of colors it would subsequently mean you make good choices elsewhere too."
"Dark and bright, black and white are used to express racism, thus the rainbow seems so elegant to all."
"Chameleons are somewhat like rainbows, except that rainbow calms the mind and the soul."
"I looked up at the rainbow, and I realized how people learnt to change colors."
"I never saw a rainbow in my life, as I spent my whole life looking down at things."
"I thought I found a rainbow in my life, but it was temporary like any other rainbow."
"Rainbow is a perfect example that happiness does not last."
"Successful people do not waste their time gazing at the rainbow as their success is more glorious than the rainbow."
"I tried to become someone else's rainbow, but the rain of love did not shower upon me."
"The clouds always blocked my way to the sky, so I decided to be a rainbow."
"Don't wait for the monsoon to form a rainbow in your life."
"I wanted myself to become a rainbow but what I didn't understand was that a rainbow cannot be formed in the dark."
"First, find the sunshine, then think of being a rainbow."
"Education is the light which will help you form a rainbow in your life."
"Years of hard work has paid me with a life that is as bright as the rainbow."
"I wish a miracle takes place in my life and makes my future as sparkling as the rainbow."
"It takes small drops of water to form a rainbow, similarly, it takes small acts of kindness to make lives happy."
"To conquer the rainbow, it is necessary to face the challenges."
Rainbows will come and go but your life will stay the same, so change what you can.
People hide their reality just like the clouds hide the rainbow.
Without rain there is no rainbow and without struggle there is no success.
Capture the rainbow before it disappears, such opportunities won't keep coming your way.
Rainbows are beautiful, just like the soul of a good hearted person.
You don't have a rainbow over your head, instead you have something even better, a halo.
We don't notice the rainbow because it's there, it catches the attention of our eyes with its beauty.
Many don't like that rain for their own reasons, but you cannot have the rainbow if there's no rain.
Everything that happens naturally is wonderful, the rainbow is just another phenomenon.
You cannot see the rainbow if you're not thankful for the good things in your life.
Rainbows are dramatic and hard to understand, they express so many feelings at once.
Rainbows portray a lot of things that are difficult to understand and happiness is one of them.
If you don't like rainbows you are denying the creation of God which shows the way you've been brought up.
A little bit of colour attracts the eye that's why a rainbow is made of so many.
We live far away but are looking at the same sky waiting for the rainbow to appear.
"A rainbow's journey to formation is what gives it its beauty."
A rainbow is a bridge that connects heaven and earth, reminding us of the wonder and beauty of both.
A rainbow is waiting to light up the sky after every storm.
No matter how challenging life gets, there is always something lovely waiting on the other side, as the rainbow serves as a reminder.
Rainbows are a symbol of renewal and hope, showing us that every day is an opportunity to start over.
The beauty that can be found in diversity and differences is reflected in a rainbow.
The rainbow serves as a reminder that even the craziest storms may produce something lovely.
Rainbows are like smiles from above, showing us that we always have reasons to be thankful.
The rainbow's colours stand for all the varied parts of life, showing us how special and priceless each experience is.
Rainbows serve as a reminder that beauty may be found despite the chaos in the world.
The force of transition is symbolised by the rainbow, which serves as a reminder that change is not always negative but may also bring about growth and rebirth.
Rainbows are like promises from the universe; they serve as a gentle reminder that good things are ahead.
Even the darkest nights can be followed by the brightest dawn, as the rainbow serves as a reminder.
Rainbows serve as a reminder that everyone has something special and precious to contribute to the world.
The perfect blending of the colours of a rainbow serves as a constant reminder of the value of collaboration and harmony.
Rainbows are a symbol of inspiration and hope, reminding us to pursue our goals with vigour and never give up.
The rainbow is a symbol of harmony and balance, reminding us to find peace and harmony in our own lives.
Rainbows serve as a gentle reminder that even the smallest deeds of love and kindness can have a profound effect.
The impermanence of the rainbow reminds us to treasure each moment and live life to the fullest.
Rainbows serve as a reminder to embrace our inner kid and view the world with wonder and astonishment. They are a symbol of creativity and inspiration.
Inspiring us to face our anxieties and triumph over adversity with grace and tenacity, the rainbow serves as a symbol of courage and strength.
Rainbows serve as a metaphor for fresh starts, showing us that every ending offers the potential for a new beginning.
The simplicity of the rainbow reminds us that sometimes the most basic pleasures in life may be the most fulfilling.
The interconnection of all things is symbolised by rainbows, which serve as a constant reminder to us that everything in the cosmos is interconnected in some way.
The rainbow serves as a reminder to retain a cheerful mindset and to concentrate on the positive aspects of life.
Rainbows are like rays of hope, reminding us that there is always a glimmer of light shining through, no matter how dark the world may seem.
Rainbows are a gift from nature that serve as a reminder to be grateful for the beauty in our surroundings.
The rainbow serves as a reminder that we are all different and therefore special and lovely.
Rainbows serve as a gentle reminder that unexpected good fortune and surprises abound in life.
The capacity of the rainbow to unite people and serve as a constant reminder that we are all a part of something greater than ourselves is its greatest beauty.
Rainbows serve as a sign of fortitude, showing us that we are capable of overcoming even the most difficult obstacles.