"Dear society, if you cannot inspire me, do not demolish me either."
"Dear society, if you cannot inspire me, do not demolish me either."
"Is there really equality in our society? Because I am trying to see that, but I could not."
"In one thing our society is very good and that is to judge others."
"Do not let our judgmental society dominate your real self."
"Do not care about society because society will only care about your mistakes."
"Our society is very fun, whatever you do they will find your mistakes."
"We are blaming the society for the things we are also doing."
"Norms in society are set by those who have high status."
"Unless you achieve something, this society will not give you any respect."
"Our society is only about your outer appearance, they do not care about your way of thinking."
"There is hope that there is humanity in our society, humanity has started diminishing over time."
"Do the right thing, but one mistake will ruin all your right things, because this is what our society works for."
"The mentality of our society varies with the status of the people, for high level, middle level and low level rules are different."
"As long as your way of thinking matches the way of thinking of society, you are a part of society."
"Dear society, you are great, you have been judging me since childhood. Please do not force me to change into a person I am not."
"Societies are formed so that people in power have control over them."
"If a society is run by maniacs then people in it go insane."
"A society can never be a sign of freedom."
"The main motto of any society must be to uplift the livelihood."
"A person who has nothing to lose creates the most dangerous society."
"Society is an example of a group of fools ruled by power-hungry leaders."
"A fierce crowd can be calmed by uniting them as a society."
"A mad man can never run a successful society"
"The society of the rich always crushes the society of the poor."
"A society can only be rich with good thoughts and intentions"
"Don't claim to be a society if it is not organized."
"A biased society can never win over the changes around the world."
"The only safe depository of the ultimate power of society is the people themselves."
"If laws are enforced on uncivilized crowd, a society is formed."
"Society respects only if you have power and wealth."
"A wrong move by an individual in a society can make that whole society look guilty."
"I rather die alone than live in a corrupt society."
"A society gets corrupt when people with power start misusing it."
"Civilized societies can only be found in history books."
"We cannot enter the new era with ancient principles."
"Society can only standstill if it has a pillar of equality."
"Society is a beautiful concept when formed for a good purpose."
"Society is the result of the incapability of humans to think individually."
"The moment you blend in with society, you are not independent anymore."
"A group of friends can never be called as a society for the fact that they will never follow each other's rules."
"Society must be formed by leaders and not bosses."
"The productivity of your creativity depends on the people you choose to hang out with."
"The dangerous element within society are the people with no vision."
"Society has no right to judge, there are courts for that."
"If you feel helpless in a society then you don't belong there."
"Don't seek freedom to destroy the world instead seek freedom to bring in peace."
"Don't be too attached to society, you may forget to make wonders."
"You are a joke to society if not profitable."
"A society perishes when they forget the principles on which they were formed."
"A dominant person can only rule but not lead."
"Remember, your kin will be living in the kind of society you have built."
"An educated society can be a threat to any corrupt system!"
"Know your boundaries before making rules."
"Being coward is the sign that you are made to be ruled by others."
"If animals live in society then they may overpower us."
"If every individual is humble to each other then we would need no society."
"You are educated by the opinions of the society you live in."
"Learn to live alone. If you want to live in the herd of society then sheep are what you seek for."
"Be courageous to seize the opportunity to make the world better."
"Building a better future is secondary. First, build a decent present."
Greed is the enemy to build a better society.
A powerful society is the one where every individual is valued.
True voices get suppressed by the loudness of power.
A boat with no-fault will make your journey across a river successful. Likewise with society. Life in an unfaulty society will make your life beautiful.
The purity of a society can be measured by the amount of good it does to each individual in it.
How a society treats its women is the true barometer of its progress.
Everyone has a special piece to add to the puzzle that is society.
The quality of a society's educational system directly relates to that society's health.
A prosperous society is one that values the welfare of its citizens.
A society's human capital is its most valuable resource.
A society's capacity to care for its most vulnerable members is what defines it as a true powerhouse.
Society is about compassion and empathy as well as laws and rules,
A culture that fosters creativity and innovation will always be competitive.
Society is like a garden; if you don't tend to it, weeds will take over, said someone.
How a society treats its elderly is the best barometer of that society's health
The capacity of society's imagination determines how far it may advance.
Justice and fairness are the cornerstones upon which society is built.
A society that values the environment values its future, the adage goes.
The capacity of a society to evolve is what makes it strong.
Let's work together to create a better society; society is a collective effort.
We must all steer society towards a better future; it is like a ship, and we are all the passengers.
A society's true wealth is not in its material possessions, but in its people,
Society is about human flourishing, not just economic growth.
A society that values free speech and critical thinking is a society that can achieve greatness.
The ability of a society to come together in times of crisis is its strength.
As a mirror, society reflects back to us what we put into it.
The beauty of society is found in its diversity, and we must embrace and celebrate it.
Society invests in its future when it values education and lifelong learning.
Society is a living organism, and in order for it to flourish, we must nurture it.
How we treat our most vulnerable members determines the progress of society.
Society is a reflection of the members' shared values and beliefs.
A society that prioritises compassion and empathy is a society that can recover and advance.
How a society treats its animals determines how great it is.
We must change with society, which is a living organism that is constantly evolving.
The ability of society to embrace change and innovation is its strength.