"If you haven't faced a loss, you haven't faced life."
"If you haven't faced a loss, you haven't faced life."
"You have already lost when you think about giving up."
"Loss is what teaches you to stand up after every fall."
"When you grieve at your loss, you worsen it more."
"Be patient when you are at a loss because life is all about having patience."
"Crying makes you weaker when you are at a loss."
"If you want success, bury the thoughts of loss and get started."
"You cannot prevent a loss if it is in your misfortune."
"By the time when you realize all your mistakes, you will be at a loss."
"When you laugh at other's loss, you will get someone to laugh at yours."
"Loss is the harshest reality of life to accept."
"You choose to get depressed or become stronger when you face loss."
"Losing your freedom in short is losing life itself."
"You can't win every time because you won't learn if you don't lose."
"We lose what's important, that's how life goes about."
Giving charity cannot be considered a loss because it is the coupon we pay to wash away our sins.
When you cheer up people when they are at a loss, God will cheer you in your sad times.
You understand what life is when you lose someone who was very close to you.
When you lose something, you get something better than what you had lost.
You need to get rid of your old memories of loss because it can stop you from climbing higher in life.
The thought of loss prevents many people from taking risks in their life.
Loss is something that makes you realize what wrong decisions you had taken in the past.
You don't lose someone you love, they don't deserve you.
People say losing is a part of the game, but what about the hard work you put into to try winning.
You become sturdy after every loss and handle it better every time.
He lost everything he spent his life on, hope was the only thing he lived by.
You think it's either a win or a loss and ignore the fact that where it will get you.
Some people go through so much in their life that they have nothing more to lose.
Having a plan in case you lose is what determines your success.
One can't try to change everything he hopes to change, he has to accept this loss.
Loss, as a reminder of the depth of our bonds, is the echo of love that echoes in our hearts.
Loss is the note in life's symphony that teaches us to treasure each melody and savour each moment.
Loss "sculpts the contours of resilience within us, transforming pain into strength."
A canvas painted with the colours of empathy, compassion, and understanding is created when a heart is touched by loss.
The chapter of loss serves as a reminder that life is a delicate tapestry made of threads of both joy and sorrow.
Loss is the piece that adds depth and texture to the masterpiece of our experiences in the mosaic of emotions.
Loss serves as a bridge to remind us of the universality of the human experience and that we are never truly alone in our suffering.
A life without loss would be devoid of the depth of empathy and the range of emotions that complete us.
Loss is the path that leads us from the darkness of pain to the light of acceptance in the journey of healing.
Loss, the mirror that reflects life's frailty, implores us to treasure each and every breath.