"Meditation is not an act - it is a quality."
"Meditation is not an act - it is a quality."
"The Divine is far more inebriating than wine."
"Life is a far larger phenomenon than thought."
"Children don’t listen to you. They observe you."
"There are no bad children – only bad influences."
"Yoga is not a sedative but an invigorating force."
"Life is at ease. Only the mind can be at tension."
"I am not here to solace you. I am here to awaken you."
"Joy is a natural phenomenon. Misery is your creation."
"Learning is not about earning but a way of flowering."
"When you live for everyone, everyone takes care of you."
"Conscious action does not produce karma – reaction does."
"Birth and death are just passages, not of life but of time."
"How deeply you touch another life is how rich your life is."
"Nothing in life is a problem – everything is a possibility."
"Lethargy comes from overconsumption of either food or thought."
"No one can achieve wellbeing through someone else’s suffering."
"With Relentless Commitment, you can create the most incredible."
"Belief offers solace. The search for truth offers the solution."
"One moment of absolute gratitude can transform your whole life."
"Only the one who has lost the need for security is truly secure."
"Meditation is a possibility to awaken new dimensions within you."
"Color is visual fragrance. Right mix of colors can be uplifting."
"There is no such thing as work-life balance has to be within you."
"Every particle in your body works hand in hand with the universe."
"Most people in the world are not busy – they are just preoccupied."
"Love is not something that you do. Love is something that you are."
"Awareness is life. Life is awareness. There is no other way to be."
"If you are in a state of all-inclusive passion, we call this yoga."
"May the labors of your life be not of hardship but of Love and Joy."
"There is not a single breath in my life that is not my Guru’s will."
"Opinions are like cataracts. They will not allow you to see clearly."
"There is no insurance for love. It takes awareness to keep it alive."
"One who has a longing to grow has to ensure to be receptive to Grace."
"A situation becomes stressful only when you compulsively react to it."
"Water is life-making material. Saving water resources is Saving Life."
"Consciousness is non-physical. What is non-physical is naturally one."
"Power should not be given to people who have no sense of inclusiveness."
"A possibility, when not harnessed, becomes a problem in your experience."
"Thinking is just a recycling of data that you have gathered in the past."
"You cannot exist without the universe. You are not a separate existence."
"No matter what life throws at you – what you make out of it is up to you."
"I don’t believe in material wealth. My wealth is in the hearts of people."
"Without experiencing the joy of life, you cannot seek the source of life."
"Whatever is most needed right now, that’s what we should do in the world."
"Spirituality is not a disability – it is a phenomenal empowerment of life."
"For anyone in whatever they are doing, success will not come without Grace."
"Qualifications only give you entry. It is competence that ultimately works."
"Meditation means dissolving the invisible walls that unawareness has built."
"One who is constantly making U-turns obviously does not want to go anywhere."
"Ignorance is boundless. What you are yet to know is a limitless possibility."
"Only when you are truly joyful, can you genuinely reach out to other people."
"If you are very happy, you will do many more things than if you are unhappy."
"With age, your physical agility may go down; your aliveness need not go down."
"If you see someone doing something wrong, condemn the action, not the person."
"I am just interested in life. Whatever and wherever, I am inevitably involved."
"Heaven and hell are not geographical locations, just dimensions of experience."
"On this day, Gautama the Buddha became a Blessed Being to be cherished forever."
"Life has a certain pace. You should be joyfully in a hurry but never impatient."
"The Beauty of Motherhood is not a certain capability but willingness to include."
"Learning per se is always liberating. What is frustrating is when it is imposed."
"We have to make people realize that God doesn’t need soldiers who fight for him."
"The mind is madness. Only when you go beyond the mind, will there be Meditation."
"Do you have any proof that you are not already in heaven and making a mess of it?"
"What you do should not define who you are. Who you are should define what you do."
"Only the one who is beyond the fear of losing oneself can know love, can be love."
"Beauty is not a question of shapes and forms. It is a question of what you exude."
"When pain, misery, or anger happen, it is time to look within you, not around you."
"Do what really matters to you in life. Whatever it is, it should be worthy of you."
"Don’t think spirituality means having a nice, quiet life – it means being on fire."
"Taking care of the environment is not an obligation – our environment is our life."
"If we nurture hatred and violence against others, someday, it will come back to us."
"Everything in existence is in dynamic motion. Either move with it or rise above it."
"Ecological sustenance and the Inclusive nature of spiritual process are inseparable."
"Are you creating poison within you or the fragrance of the Divine? This is a choice."
"This is the age of expression without perception. To know life, you need perception."
"A Guru is a friend who constantly tramples your ego. It’s a very delicate operation."
"This moment, how joyful you are within yourself determines the quality of your life."
"This land needs more men and women of his ilk and profoundness. Let my country arise!"
"When people are alone, they become spiritual. When in company, they become religious."
"Our concept of education has to go beyond manufacturing cogs for the economic engine."
"Memory is like a treadmill. It gives you a lot of exercise, never takes you anywhere."
"When you are no more identified with your physicality, you become available to Grace."
"Enough tree population in the river basin will make Cauvery walk and bring prosperity."
"If you want to live strong, you need to be in touch with the five elements constantly."
"Youth have a natural affinity for Truth. Truth meaning what truly works on all levels."
"Talking or acting spiritual is of no use. Spirituality is about transforming yourself."
"You don’t go to a Guru for solace. He is not a tranquilizer-he is there to awaken you."
"This is not about being superhuman – this is about realizing that being human is super."
"Everyone has dreams, but how many are willing to stake their life to fulfill that dream?"
"I’m trying to increase the percentage of ecstatic people on the planet. You are my hope."
"There is no substitute for involvement. Where there is no involvement, there is no life."
"Your experience of life does not depend on who or what is around you but on how you are."
"Once your mind becomes absolutely still, your intelligence transcends human limitations."
"Enormous potential and possibilities are destroyed in your life by the fear of suffering."
"For compulsiveness, there is only one cure – consciousness. There is simply no other way."
"Truth means ‘that which is.’ To make friends with ‘that which is,’ you simply have to Be."
"An intelligent person knows that he is a fool but a fool does not know that he is a fool."
"Life is a dance of time and energy. Keeping the two in good rhythm is the beauty of life."
"You do not have to pursue something intensely; you as a being should become very intense."
"A Seeker of Truth shall never know the comfort of conclusions. Only Intensity and Seeking."
"The intensity of your experience is more important than the immensity of your possessions."
"Jesus said, ‘The kingdom of God is within you.’ Yoga is a method to Experience the Within."
"Peace cannot be enforced from outside. It is a consequence of how we are within ourselves."
"Risk is in the eye of the beholder. For the one who does it, it could be calibrated action."
"The idea of God came up because people have no explanation for such a magnificent creation."
"External circumstances can only cause you physical pain. Suffering is created in your mind."
"Life is just a slice of time. If one values life, one has to do everything at the right time."
"Most people in the world are not really busy – they are just preoccupied, and that is tiring."
"Once you are clear about what you are doing and why, other people’s opinions will not matter."
"The way people are living today, I would say, never do unto others what you do unto yourself."
"Children need not fit into caste, creed, or class. They have to blossom into their own nature."
"Once your life is an expression of your blissfulness, you will not be in conflict with anyone."
"A consecrated space experientially reminds you that there is much more to life than you think."
"The intellect is like a knife – the sharper, the better. As long as you know how to handle it."
"Book is a tool to access aspects of life that one could not touch, through the eyes of another."
"Don’t be dead serious about your life. Seriousness will bring the quality of Death while alive."
"It is not the amount of action but the depth of experience that makes life rich and fulfilling."
"A revolutionary beyond compare and above all a being beyond shackles of strife and circumstance."
"The purpose of existence is to exist. It is too fantastic to be stymied by meanings of any sort."
"Whatever physical activity you do – if you do it with involvement and joy, you are a karma yogi."
"May you be overwhelmed by life, this tremendous phenomenon that is creation and Creator at once!"
"Do you want to look good or feel good? How wonderful you feel within yourself is most important."
"The most precious thing in life is life itself. Are you getting it now or only on your deathbed?"
"If human beings were experiencing life beyond the physical, violence would go down dramatically."
"My only intention is that you blossom into a full-fledged life because that’s all life is about."
"Your brain need not deteriorate with age. With simple yogic practices, you can keep enhancing it."
"The beauty of spring is, the fruit is yet to come, but the flower is a promise and a possibility."
"If not every day, at least once a month, take stock – are you evolving into a better Human Being."
"You want to be loved because you feel incomplete. Otherwise, being loved can be quite a nuisance."
"Sport suspends Reality for you, allowing you a breath of fresh air from the rigors of the mundane."
"Lust is a strong need. Love is not a need. When you love, you settle down; nothing more is needed."
"This is the nature of existence – if you do the right things, the right things will happen to you."
"How alive, active, passionate, or even ecstatic you are simply depends on your level of intensity."
"It is time to conquer the world with inclusiveness and generosity, not with wars and brutal power."
"No relationship is absolute – it is always variable. You have to conduct it well on a daily basis."
"If you want to receive, you have to give. This is not a marketplace rule. This is the way of life."
"You being a pleasant piece of life is one hundred percent in your hands, if you take charge of it."
"No one can cause mental pain to you. It is you – in reaction to something that happens around you."
"To volunteer is to become willing. To be willing beyond personal choices is the way to liberation."
"For a committed person, there is no such thing as failure - just lessons to be learned on the way."
"A Guru is like a live roadmap – more important than anything when you are lost in unknown terrain."
"If you constantly remember that you are mortal, you will walk gently and sensibly upon this planet."
"Compassion is not condescending kindness. It is a passionate engagement with everything around you."
"Being in touch with the earth is a reminder that your body is just that – earth. Never forget this."
"Yoga is not just about twisting and turning. Yoga means to exist in union with the rest of creation."
"Nothing is accidental here. The whole physical existence is happening between cause and consequence."
"Health is not just being disease-free. Health is when every cell in your body is bouncing with life."
"Do not look up to anything, nor look down on anything. Then you will see creation just the way it is."
"Every particle in your body is communicating with the entire cosmos. Yoga is about experiencing that."
"People are lazy because they do not know how to rest. If you are restful, you are ready for activity."
"You cannot live here without trusting existence. If you trust consciously, lovingly, that’s devotion."
"If you want your body and brain to work well, the first thing is to become joyful by your own nature."
"When you eat, you take in a part of the earth. How we treat the planet is how we treat our own bodies."
"How you handle a situation is not entirely your choice. But how you handle yourself is entirely yours."
"Fears and insecurities are unconsciously created by you. If you do not create them, they do not exist."
"The mind is like a puzzle with too many pieces missing. Trying to make sense out of it makes no sense."
"Your entire life is a Virtual Reality, because you are seeing it only the way it happens in your mind."
"Guru Nanak, a wonderful being who did not preach scriptures but came from an inner experience of life."
"Someone who is differently abled does not need your compassion or kindness – they just need acceptance."
"To plunge into the core of life is the only sacredness there is. To live superficially is the only sin."
"Turning inward naturally brings realisation that our existence and the outside world are not different."
"Nature gave you this intelligence to seek and access the Infinite, not to calculate in limited numbers."
"The most significant thing about being human is you determine the nature and the pace of your evolution."
"The Nation is not the land – it is the people. In transforming the people, we shall have a great Nation."
"Only when you are absolutely devoted to what you do, you can produce something significant in the world."
"Who you are is your making. Once you understand this, at least you must make yourself to your own liking."
"Do everything like it is the last thing you do. There is nothing to hold back, nothing to save for later."
"Mysticism is not a technology for enlightenment. Mysticism is pure science – an exploration of existence."
"Life is a process, not a problem. The question is only, have you prepared yourself for the process or not."
"Devotion is a place where you do not exist; life just flows through you as a certain sweetness and beauty."
"Most of your desires are not really about yourself. You just picked them up from your social surroundings."
"It is time we choose quality over quantity in our lives, in every sense. Only then we can save the planet."
"Being a creature on the planet means the hand of the Creator has touched you. There is no better blessing."
"A child is someone who is fresh from the Divine works. Try not to teach but imbibe the ways of the Divine."
"Only if the younger generation does things that the parents never imagined possible, can a society evolve?"
"The greatest contribution that you can do to all around you is, Make yourself into a wonderful Human Being."
"Compulsiveness is like darkness – you cannot fight with it. You have to turn on the light of consciousness."
"You cannot fix the past, but you can create a distance with it. That is how the yogic system approaches it."
"Human life is a possibility. Do you have the courage and commitment to make the possibility into a reality."
"Time and physicality are directly related. Time exists in your experience only because of your physicality."
"Even if I am with a million people, I am always alone. I do not see people as people. I see them as myself."
"How healthy and strong a body you have and how dynamic and sharp a mind is what will take you through life."
"When there is prejudice and resentment in you, it will make you suffer more than physical disease or injury."
"Adiyogi is a symbol, a possibility, and a source of tools to transform yourself and create your own Destiny."
"Your ability to love, to reach out, and to experience life is limitless. The limitation is only of the mind."
"If you are conscious that you are mortal, there is no time to do anything stupid. You have to stay on track."
"Life is Magic. Because you got trapped in the limitations of your logic, you are not experiencing the Magic."
"The Fall of a leaf so gentle but profound, as those who fall willingly are the ones who rise to the highest."
"Some think it’s in the wine, and other think it’s in the divine, but pleasantness is what everyon’s seeking."
"Whatever is your highest, you just contemplate upon that. Your inner and outer purity will happen naturally."
"Time is slipping away for all of us at the same pace. You cannot manage time, but you can manage your energy."
"Where there is integrity, there will be trust. Where there is trust, there will be an atmosphere for success."
"if you do not do what you cannot do, that’s no problem. But if you do not what you can do, you are a tragedy."
"Unleash your desire; limit it not to the limited. In the boundlessness of the desire is your ultimate nature."
"What you need to make your marriage successful is not the perfect person. What you need is absolute integrity."
"It is my wish that our forces are empowered with immense inner strength which no enemy expects from a soldier."
"Your history is animal. Your future is divinity. Right now, you are like a pendulum, swinging between the two."
"If you want your relationship to work, constantly remind yourself that the other is more significant than you."
"The quality and quantity of your harvest is in direct proportion to the quality and quantity of your striving."