"When Desire ends, Peace begins"
"When Desire ends, Peace begins"
"Meditation is the key to energy."
"Make it happen ‘Shock Everyone’."
"God is as powerful as your faith in Him."
"Sometimes a King needs to prove why he’s King."
"Do it for the people who want to see you fail."
"I am on the hunt for the person I am soon to become."
"The Lion doesn’t turn around when a small dog barks."
"Where there is a creation, there should be a creator."
"I started from nothing, now I don’t stop for anything."
"Move in silence, only speak when its time to say ‘Checkmate’."
"A greedy man and an angry woman have never lived prosperously."
"I am like a hydrogen balloon even if you put me down, I would fly high !!"
"Working with intelligent people is easy, but we should be careful with geniuses."
"I am like sun, nobody can touch me and my haters are like stars, nobody can count them."
"You won’t get anything without hard work. What you get without hard work will never fructify."
"When a king arrives, no matter how much ever the soldiers’ count is, they have to bend their head."
"I believe in miracles."
"I will die poor but not as a coward."
"When ambition ends that’s when peace begins."
"People's support, fan's love and support, give me energy."
"Real human purpose in life is to realise self. I am on the path to spirituality, to realise my inner self."
"I have always said, 'Never stop work.' Continue work and sort out issues simultaneously."
"That is not with me. It is up to the directors to give me roles that might fetch awards."
"If the food you eat stays in your body, your health will get spoilt. If the money you make stays in your pockets, your life will get spoilt."
Ranjith is a great human being who cares for his community and his people a lot.
For me, every film is like the first picture. I am very choosy with the director and producer.
If I get a good character, a suitable role, a good producer-director, only then will I do a film.
Yes, upon seeing some people during my visits to the Himalayas. They seem to have an inner peace and tranquility that we do not.
I cannot be an ordinary man, move around like people do, go out eat in a restaurant or take a walk. Perhaps, this is what I have lost.
God gives a lot of things to bad people, but he will let them fail eventually. God tests good people a lot, but he will never let them down.
Before acquiring a project, take the advice of experienced trade pundits in the industry and analyse the risks and business propositions thoroughly.
There is nothing wrong in dreaming a luxurious life. What needs to be taken care of is not let need become greed. Because needs can always be met, but greed can never be fulfilled.
Starting with a meagre amount of Rs 300 as a conductor, when I became an actor and started seeing huge moneys like Rs 3 or 4 lakhs, I thought I was 'an exclusive creation' by God, and he had made me like this. Later, I got the wisdom and realised that my time was good and things worked out! And I was also a normal human being like others.
In an autobiography, I will have to write the truth, I should not hide anything. Just to avoid people’s feelings, I should not be hiding things. If I don’t present events as they happened, truthfully, it is not an autobiography at all. I have read Mahatma Gandhi’s autobiography and if I can muster up the kind of courage that he had, I will write one.
Whether you have a Maruti or a BMW, the road remains the same. Whether you travel economy class or business, your destination doesn’t change. Whether you have a Titan or a Rolex, the time is the same. There is nothing wrong in dreaming a luxurious life. What needs to be taken care of is not let need become greed. Because needs can always be met, but greed can never be fulfilled.